Chapter 13 Texas

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I woke up to a cold, lonely bed and the scent of bacon. Getting up, I put my hair up into a messy bun and trudged down the steps trying to wipe the sleep from my eyes.
"Good morning beautiful," Austin said cheerily. "Your aunt and uncle went on a business trip for a week or so and they said you could tour with me for jingle ball plus I made breakfast."
He smiles as I sit down at the table.
"Austin I told you I can't tour because of my modeling." I sigh.
"Oh and about that," he starts. "I called them and their letting you keep the job. I explained that there was an accident and you were in the hospital so you couldn't make it."
"Really?" I ask enthusiastically.
"Yep." He replies setting down a plate of eggs, bacon, and toast with Nutella spread across the warm bread.
"Thank you babe." I say getting up and kissing his cheek.
"Anytime lovely." He says and sits down across from me at the table.
"What are we going to do today?" I ask after finishing all of my food.
"Well I thought maybe we could go, I have no idea." He states laughing.
"We could go see what the crew is doing?" I suggest.
"No let's do something just us two."
"Okay let's go Christmas shopping then. I need to get my presents before Christmas Eve." I laugh.
"Babe Christmas is two months away, we can do that later."
"Fine." I say laughing. I procrastinate everything.
"Let's watch movies." Austin suggest his eyes lighting up.
"Sure." I smile. Austin runs to the living room and flops down into the couch.
"My pick!" He shouts scrambling up from the couch and over to the movies.
"Wait I have a better idea." I say smiling. Running up to my room I grab as many blankets and pillows as I can carry and bring them all downstairs and outside to my backyard.
"That's a great idea!" Austin squeals and I laugh.
"What did you pick?" I ask.
"Warm bodies." He states and I laugh. "what?"
"Such a manly movie." I reply rolling my eyes. He just laughs and puts the movie into the player. I run inside and grab a bag of zebra popcorn.
"Babe c'mon it's starting." Austin whined from underneath all the blankets.
"Sorry, someone had to get the treats." I say getting underneath the blankets and cuddling up next to Austin. He pulled me in closer to him and I sighed happily.
When the part came around when the girl is getting changed Austin nuzzled his face into my arm.
"What are you doing?" I ask giggling.
"Well I don't want to see any other girl besides you." He states into my arm. I lightly kiss the top of his head and laugh.
"Your adorable."
"Nope you are." He says lifting his head and bopping my nose. Laughing, I turn back to the movie. It was one of my favorites.
Okay I'll admit I cried a little when R died and Austin laughed at me. When the movie ended we just laid there in each other's arms.
"So I wanted to ask you something." Austin says breaking the silence.
"No austin I will not take my pants off." I say laughs and he joins me.
"Well then. That wasn't it but I just wanted to know if maybe since you'll be touring with me would you want to pull out of school and be homeschooled with me and Alex? My mom would be glad to bring you in since she loves you more than me." He asks huffing at the last part. I giggle.
"Sure it sounds like fun. Do you really want me to tour with you?" I ask sheepishly.
"Of course beautiful why wouldn't i?"
I shrug my shoulders.
"How did I get so lucky to be dating you?" I ask smiling.
"I should be asking the same thing." He smiles back.
"I hate not being able to kiss you." I huff.
"It's hard for me too babe." He says frowning.
"Let's go inside." I say ripping myself from Austin's arms.
"Babe." Austin whines in a high pitched voice. Groaning, he gets up and helps me clean up our mess.
"Oh babe?" Austin asks once where done cleaning up and were sitting on my bed.
"What's up?" I reply laying down onto austin lap.
"Um before jingle ball starts I'm supposed to go back to Texas to visit some family." He starts.
"Oh okay well I'll just meet you at the first location." I say smiling, he laughs.
"No, no, I can't just leave you here. I was going to ask you if you wanted to join me. I didn't want to leave you here by yourself for a week, plus I kind of want you to meet my family." He smiles.
"Oh of course!", I exclaim laughing. "Who am I going to meet?"
"My uncles and aunts, and some of my cousins, plus the cutest little boy named Logan." He replies, his eyes lighting up.
"So when do we leave?"
"In three days." He says and I smile. This is going to be so much fun.


"Beautiful, beautiful wake up." I hear Austin say rubbing my arm gently.
"Five more minutes babe." I groan, rolling over.
"We have a flight to catch c'mon!" He says picking me up bridal style and carrying me down the stairs of his house. We spent the night in his room since we were going to get up early to fly to Texas.
"I changed my mind, I don't want to go." I moan.
"Awe but then I'll be sad and lonely."
"Oh well, should've thought of that when you woke me up before the sun knew it was time to rise." He just laughed at my logic and set me down gently in the backseat of the car.
"I'll be right back." He states closing the door and running back to get our luggage. Groaning i realized i looked like trash.
"Austin!" I call seeing him walk back outside.
"What's wrong babe?" He asks.
"Hand me my carry on?" I ask and he nods. I pull out an airport outfit I picked out, a brush and some makeup. Austin groans sitting down beside me in the back seat.
"Oh shut up and turn around." I said playfully as I grabbed my things to change. Once I finished Austin turned around smirking.
"What?" I could only mange to get out before Austin pushed me against the bottom of the seat and hovers over me.
"Well first of all, I could still see you change when I turned around, the glass reflects silly." He says and I bite my lip.
"Plus I really missed doing this." He puts himself lower until both of our bodies are touching.
"Austin." I moan. "We, we can't." Is all I can get out. I'm not going to lie, I really wanted him but, Emily said we can't for a week or so, so my bones can mend.
"I know but I really, really want you." He says licking his lips. God, I really wanted to pull him down, closer on top of me. Resisting the urge I managed to breath out another short sentence.
"Austin we can't." He sighs and slowly, reluctantly lifts himself off of me.
"I'm sorry," I say once he's off of me. "I want to trust me, I really want to but I don't want to risk it."
"It's okay lovely. I just miss that." He says wrapping his arms around me.
"Me too," I say smiling "now get off of me so I can finish getting ready."
I brush out my hair and quickly do a small amount of makeup to look refreshed.
Dave gets in to the driver seat and I squeal.
"Kenzie. Why so perky?" He asks sleepily.
"Cuz I've missed you David." I squeal jumping over the seat and scrambling to give him an awkward hug.
"Oh god don't call me that." He whines and I laugh. Sitting back down next to austin, I cuddle up to him and smile, I was so excited to meet Austin family.

So I'm sorry this is a short update :/ and it's kind of a filler. I promise there will be more soon and HAPPY NEW YEARS EVE Y'ALL. <3 my two new stories will have a teaser chapter one posted sometime soon so I hope you enjoy. :) *kisses* ~Kenzie

Old Sparks (Austin Mahone)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें