Chapter 10 don't let me go

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"Austin don't let me go. Ever."


To get out of town it takes about three hours, the longest three hours of my life. The whole trip, I checked my phone for another distressed message from mackenzie, but none came. It was starting to get dark, and my worry was raising as the sun was setting. I needed to get there before it was too late. About half way through my long journey my stomach growled making me realize I haven't eaten in days. Pulling off the highway, I stopped at the closest fast food place I could find, Wendy's. After I ordered and was off again, half way through my sandwich, I felt the guilt hit me. Mackenzie was in trouble but I selfishly stop to get something to eat for myself. She needs me there and I should be there already! Finishing my food in disgust, I continued to drive. Another hour of driving, I was getting sleepy. I was trying hard to stay awake, and when my phone beeped, I felt adrenaline course through my veins. It was mackenzie.

'Austin when are you coming? Hurry please! I need you.'

I freaked, hitting the gas. I was only a few miles away. I finally made it out of the town, and drove until the warehouse came into view, parking in the lot, it was eerily quiet. I turned my car off and walked up to the open front door. Without thinking I walked in and tried to find what room she was in.


He made me send another message to austin, telling him to hurry and get here. Josh. Josh hired some old guy off the street to kidnap me, so he could finally kill austin once and for all.
"I'm tired of being on the back burner. I'm always the one you run to when he hurts you, or when you need someone but the second he comes back for you, you drop me and run to him. With him out of the picture you'll be all mine." Josh sneered, staring adoring his shiny gun.
"Your psycho." I spit at him, and he hits me with the barrel of the black pistol.
"Shut up."
My phone buzzes and josh smiles evilly.
"I wonder if that's your hero now." He sneers and starts typing into my phone. I screamed at him to stop, when the door bursts open and there stood austin. He looks at me and a tear falls. I could tell how hurt he was seeing me like this. I was only in my bra and underwear, with my arms tied up above me on the post of the bed, no doubt blood dried up down my arms, and all over my face along with various bruises.
"Hello austin, remember me?" Josh says bringing Austin's attention to him.
"You dick.." Austin starts threw gritted teeth, when the gun goes off. I scream as austin slumps to the ground. Tears start falling from my eyes and josh smiles.
"Now that he's gone where were we?" Josh asks as he saunters over to me.
"Stay the fuck away from me you dick!" I scream at him.
"Now now don't be such a bitch mackenzie!" He says punching me in the stomach. Instinctively I close my eyes, awaiting another blow, but it doesn't come. Opening one eye I saw austin and josh on the floor. Austin was sitting on top of josh punching him repeatedly. Josh reached for the gun.
"Austin he has the gun!" I scream and that's when the second shot goes off, but this time it hit me and everything went black.


Josh shot me, he didn't have very good aim, but that was an obvious, since I was still alive. I laid there for a few seconds, shriveling in pain. Opening my eyes I saw him hovering over mackenzie and then punch her in the stomach, before he went for another hit, I jumped up, ignoring the pain, and tackled him to the ground. I punched him, over and over, and over, again when I heard her voice yell out he had the gun. That's when I saw the shiny black object in his hands, pointed at mackenzie. I screamed, but the shot went off, and mackenzie slumped against the bed. With tears in my eyes, I let out blow after blow, until the struggling body beneath me wasn't struggling. He was still breathing, but he was unconscious. Still sitting on too of him I called 911 and told them what had happened, when I got dizzy and everything went black.


I woke up to machines beeping. Where was I? More importantly where was mackenzie and was she okay?
"Your at the hospital austin, and yes she's okay." I heard a voice say, looking up I found Alex and my mother sitting beside my bed. My mom was asleep and Alex was watching me.
"Where is she?" I ask my voice sounding hoarse.
"Look right next to you." He says and I do as I'm told, finding my beautiful princess, lying broken and battered in a hospital bed beside mine. Tears begin to form in my eyes as I take in the sight of her. From what I can see, she was going to be in a lot of pain for awhile. A nurse walked in, Emily.
"Emily?" I ask hoarsely. She walks over to me and looks at me with sympathetic eyes.
"I'm so sorry." She says almost in tears. "She'll be unconscious for a few more hours due to where the bullet hit her."
"W-where did it hit her?" I stutter.
"Close enough to the heart to do damage but not enough to kill her. She'll be fine, I promise you. Just get some rest and she'll be up in no time." Emily replied and I nodded. Alex and my mom were sent out and I was given my phone to pass the time. The beds were pushed together so we were lying on one big bed. I scooted closer to where she was lying and sighed.
"Please wake up soon princess." I say kissing her forehead, tears falling. I logged onto twitter to find my fans going crazy. Someone had seen us going into the hospital and it spread. I clicked compose new tweet and began to type.

'When you really love someone you'll go to any length to keep them safe. Mackenzie is back home and were back together and hopefully it'll be like this until I die. Were both safe and well. xx'

I sent the tweet and laid my head down next to Mackenzie's.
"I love you so much." I say before I fall asleep.


I woke up to someone playing with my hair. My eyes shot opening and there she was.
"Mackenzie?" I croaked and she nodded tears brimming her eyes. I grabbed her, and held her close to me. Once I let go I went into panic mode.
"Did you call the nurse in? Are you okay? How do you feel? Oh my god I'm so sorry. This is all my fault." In response she just smiled and kissed my nose.
"Yes I called Emily in, no I'm okay, I feel fine now that your here, and no don't ever say that. It's not your fault josh is a phsyco." She replies.
"I should have been there sooner, or at least more prepared." I say and she shakes her head.
"No you did exactly what I expected, that's why I was so afraid for you. He made me send all those messages so you would come and he could kill you, I just wish I could've warned you better." She says, a few tears falling from her beautiful blue eyes.
"Hey, it's okay now. Were together right?", I ask and she nods. "That's all that matters. Now get some sleep okay?" She nods and and turns around. I grab her waist and pull her into my chest, and placing my head in the crook of her neck.
"Austin don't let me go. Ever." She murmurs.
"Never in a million years." I reply back before kissing her neck and falling asleep with her in my arms. This is how life is supposed to be. Perfect.

~sooooo, I have some bad news... Well first off there's only a few more chapters of WUTBF!!!! Gahh! It's been a long, amazing journey, with y'all and I'm going to miss my maustin shippers :,( BUT I am starting a new story called, it all started with a dare. It's a Harry stayed fanfic and the prologue is already posted! The other bad news is that I can't update for a few weeks after this update, that's why I didn't leave it at a cliff hanger. But BEFORE YOU START SCREAMING HEAR ME OUT!!! Finals week is next Monday and I need to study so I can't be writing. My grades have been suffering lately so I need to pick them up for he end of the semester. I'm so sorry and I love you all lots. *kisses* xx -Kenzie

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