Chapter 3 sorry

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Hiya! So school is starting soon so my updates won't be as frequent. I'm so sorry. Ill try an update as much as I can but I will be over booked with school work. Again I'm so sorry and I love you all please just bear with me. Saturdays will be the official update day and if I can ill post before. xx <3

"Sorry doesn't fix everything. Especially a broken heart. "

•Mackenzie Peters•

I ran back home and took the note off the fridge. Walking up to my room another austin song started to play but I quickly skipped it. I was through with him. I decided that I would unpack and then invite the crew over to swim. I pulled out my laptop and check my email. I had a email from Hollister. I had to come in two weeks from now to do my first assignment with a celebrity guest. Grrrr... They didn't say who because it was a secret. I pulled up my iTunes and blasted the new emblem3 cd. Two hours of unpacking and dancing later I finally finished my room. It looked perfect. Smiling I took out my phone and sent out a mass message to the whole crew including austin. My plan had to be perfect.

Me: ayeeeee you guys wanna come over and swim?? Y'all can stay the night xx

Alexxxxxxx: sure! Ill be over in a few xx

Sarahboo: hell yes babe be there soon ;)

Zachh!: sure!!!

Robbie: still in Texas. :( wahh

Me: sowwey Robbie I forgot :,( we'll have best friend time when you get back <3

Austin: I'm invited?!?!?!

Me: yeah.....

Austin: okay sure ill be there soon :) xx

I groaned. Why did I invite austin again? Grrrrr.... I grabbed my red bandeau bikini and put that on. There was a knock on my door, I flung it open revealing Zach, Alex, and Sarah.
"Boo!" Sarah screamed hugging me. I laughed as hugged her back. We all sat down on my bed.
"Your room is amazing!" Sarah said laughing.
"Haha thanks sarahboo."
"So what's with you and austin?" Alex blurts out randomly then covers his mouth. "Sorry."
"It's fine. It's a lot of things."

•Austin Mahone•

I couldn't get the smile off my face. Mackenzie was moving past what happened between us and was inviting me to hang out, of course with the rest of the crew too but it was the same. Alex left a little earlier than me because he had to go pick up Sarah, so I walked over myself. Knocking on the door her aunt opened.
"Austin? Come in. Come in. They're all up in Kenzie's room. Second door on the right." She said and I thanked her walking up the stairs. The house was huge and utterly beautiful. I stopped at the door and took a deep breath when I heard my name.
"What's with you and austin?" I heard someone say. Alex. Then he mumbled something afterwards that I couldn't hear. I listened puzzled on what he was talking about.
"It's fine. It's a lot of things." I heard the voice I couldn't get out of my head for months. Mackenzie's. i was now really confused.
"How would you guys feel if someone tells you they love you with all their hearts one minute and the next say that you needed to move on so they wouldn't feel bad when they did? How would you feel if they didn't even have to guts to say it to you in person?" I heard her continue. I winced. That was the biggest mistake of my life. I can't believe I let her get away that easily. I feel like such an idiot.
"He said he was sorry though." I heard Alex say.
"Here take this." I heard mackenzie say. What did she give him?
"Paper?" Alex asked. Why'd she give him paper?
"Rip it." She instructed. I heard paper being ripped. "Now say your sorry."
"What?" Alex asked confusion in his voice.
"Just say your sorry to the paper Alex." Mackenzie said.
"I'm sorry paper?" Alex said more like a question.
"Now is the paper fixed? Did you saying sorry fix the paper?"
"No but-" Alex started but mackenzie cut him off.
"Sorry can't fix anything. Especially a broken heart."
"Oh I never thought of it like that." Alex said.
"She's a genius." I heard Sarah say. "You should hear her plan to get austin back."
Get me back? Like revenge? Or back as in date me?
"I'm going to get revenge on austin no matter what it takes." I heard mackenzie say. I've heard enough. I let it sink in, she was getting revenge on me and I'm going to let her because I deserve every last bit of revenge she gives me.

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