Chapter 11 surgery

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💕🎄🎅Merry Christmas! 🎅🎄💕

Or happy holidays for all my non Christmas celebrating readers :) <3

Love y'all lots <3<3


I woke up to Alex arguing with the nurse, Emily.
"Hey what's going on?" I ask hoarsely.
"Great now he's up." Emily sighed. I was confused. What was going on?
"We need to tell him. It's only right." Alex states and Emily sighs and nods.
"Austin are you well enough to step outside?" She asks.
"Yeah." I say cautiously and she motions for me to step outside. As I get up and my arm leaves mackenzie, she wakes. I rush to her side and stroke her hair softly.
"Go back to bed baby. I'll be back in a few."
She nods softly and falls back asleep. Letting out a sigh I follow Emily outside the door. As soon as the door closes I let it out.
"What's wrong? What's going to happen to mackenzie?" I know it was about her because Alex was pushing for me to find out.
"She needs surgery, to take out the bullet. The only problem is it's pretty deep and close to her heart. If they push it any deeper it'll hit her heart and her heart will burst." Emily said with tears in her eyes. I slumped down to the ground. Unable to function.
"You'll also need surgery but yours will be short and brief. The bullet is in your arm and it's not very close to an artery. You'll probably just need a cast. I'm trying to push your surgeries to be at the same time so neither one of you will be worried. Don't tell mackenzie, if she freaks out and tries to resist the bullet might move closer to her heart." I nod and take a deep breath before I step inside again. Alex looks at me warily and I walk over and give him a hug.
"She'll be okay. I promise." Alex says and I let a tear fall. "I promise." He repeats and I can tell he's on the verge of crying too. I let go of him and trudge over to the bed, lying next to mackenzie. I pulled her into my arms once again and snuggled my head into her neck. She'll be okay. She'll be okay. She'll be okay.


After austin cuddled back up with mackenzie I left the room, for fear of crying and blowing the horrible news. Stepping outside into the cold air, my eyes stinging with tears, I was bombarded with reporters. Damn it.
"Alex over here!"
"Alex how is mackenzie?"
"How is austin Alex?"
"Is mackenzie pregnant?"
"How do you feel about your best friend risking his life for some girl?"
I was sickened, and appalled by these people.
"Austin went to go save mackenzie because he loves her. He is truly in love with mackenzie. They are both recovering well and will be out soon. And for the fucker who asked if mackenzie was pregnant. Really? Do you really think austin would get someone pregnant without marrying first? Because he wouldn't."
"Well I heard he cheated on her anyways maybe he got that girl pregnant." Scoffed one of the reports. Clenching my fist I almost jumped on top of him and punched him repeatedly, when I saw Sarah running over to me. Unclenching my fist and letting a smile slip through, Sarah made her way towards me through the reporters.
"How are you holding up babe?" She asked kissing my cheek.
"Go on inside and see them. I'll be there in a second." I say.
"No well go together." Sarah says and then the reporters speak up.
"Sarah did you know about Mackenzie's kidnapping? were you in on it?"
Sarah eyes started to tear up. I held her into my chest.
"Why would you think she would be in on kidnapping her best friend!" I shout holding Sarah closely.
"I don't know your group seems pretty screwed up." At that point I pulled Sarah inside the hospital and called Dave.
"Dave we need you at the hospital." I say once he picks up.
"I'll be there in a few." He replies before hanging up. I walk Sarah up to their floor, she was in tears the whole way.
"Why would they think that?" She asked when we reached the door. I grab her hands and hold them in mine.
"Sarah it's okay. Their reporters and their stupid to think you would ever do anything like that." I kiss her cheek. "Go in and see mackenzie and austin okay? I have to go fill in Dave." She nods and wipes away her tears before opening the door and stepping inside. I walked down to the front desk to find Dave.
"What's going on?" He asks.
"It's a long story." I reply and we sit down.


Austin and I were cuddling together and he kept poking my dimple making me laugh. He kept one arm protectively around my waist and the other poking my cheek.
"Boop." He said poking it again and I let out a giggle. "I love you."
"I love you more." I reply and he shakes his head.
"Nope I love you more." He replies, kissing me softly. I smile into the kiss and he pulls back. I pout.
"Sorry babe but your not supposed to do anything."
"But austy." I whine trying to get him to kiss me again. He sighs and leans down to peck me on the lips. I groan and forcefully turn on my side.
"Babe!" Austin yelled. "Your going to hurt yourself."
Before I could respond the door opened and in came Sarah with bloodshot eyes. She's been crying.
"Sarah!" I scream trying to get up and hug her. Austin pulls me back down.
"You can't get up you'll hurt yourself babe." Austin states and I groan.
"I feel fine austin." I say and Sarah walks over to me.
"It's okay Kenzie, listen to austin." Sarah says and I sigh.
"Sarah are you okay?" I ask.
"I'm fine." She replies tears almost falling. "I'll be okay. How are you?"
"I'm fine, Sarah please tell me."
"I don't want to bother you." She states and hangs her head low.
"Please Sarah I'm your best friend." When I said that she broke. Tears flew down her face and she slumped to the floor crying. I let out a few tears of my own seeing my best friend so hurt. Austin jumped up and picked her up setting her down on the bed next to me.
"I'll leave you too alone. Do you guys want anything to eat?" Austin asks. We both nod and he walks out the door.
"What's wrong Sarah?" I ask crying.
"Theirs reporters outside and one asked me if I was in on your kidnapping." She said in between sobs. "Why would they think I would do anything like that to my best friend? I was trying to help find you too, we all were but they only showed austin trying. I cried for nights because I was so worried about you."
"Sarah." I said and I pulled her into a hug. We sat their hugging and crying for a few minutes before I took out my phone and went to twitter.
'Sarah is perfect and she is my best friend. She would never do anything to hurt anyone.'
After sending the tweet I looked through my notifications. A new one popped up, it was a video. I clicked on it to find Alex in front of a huge group of reporters. They were asking him tons of questions about me. Someone asked if I was pregnant and I laughed. Alex spoke up to answer.
"Austin went to go save mackenzie because he loves her. He is truly in love with mackenzie. They are both recovering well and will be out soon. And for the fucker who asked if mackenzie was pregnant. Really? Do you really think austin would get someone pregnant without marrying first? Because he wouldn't." I smiled at Alex's outburst. A few things were said asking about me and then Alex looked like he was going to kill every last one of them. Well that escalated quickly. Then the video ended. Austin walked in before we could comment on what we had seen.
"I brought panda!" Austin says and I smile. He hands Sarah food to her and she goes to go see Alex.
"How did you get out of the hospital to go get panda?" I ask as he sits down on the bed.
"I got Dave to go get it." He smiles and motions for me to sit on his lap. I happily comply and once I sit down his arms snake around my waist. He hands me my food and kisses my neck. I smile as I open up the delicious food. Austin finishes his food before I do and he ends up feeding me my last bites, because he thinks it's cute. He leans in to kiss me and I bring my lips up to his. After a few minutes of kissing I lick he bottom lip asking for entrance. He doesn't open so I slid my hands down from his neck, down his chest until I hit his pants line. He gasps and I slip my tongue in. I bring my arms back to his neck and he moans slightly. I scoot closer into his lap so no part of us isn't touching. He removes his lips from mine and trails kisses down to my neck. My heart starts beating rapidly. I pull his lips back up to mine when I get a pain in my chest. I wince and fall into austin lap. Tears stream down my face.
"Get Emily." I hiss through gritted teeth. He looks guilty as he presses the button for the nurse. Emily comes running in and straight to my side.
"My chest." I say and she nods. She has me lie down and she hooks up an Iv. I see austin get up and walk away.
"Austin stay with me." I say "please."
Everything starts to get foggy.
"I'll be right back. I promise."


Emily takes me outside the room and asked me what happened. Instantly I felt guilty. I shouldn't have let her get to me. I was supposed to stay strong and keep her safe. I told her what had happened.
"Austin this wasn't your fault." She stated.
"Yes it is I should've stayed strong to keep her safe." I reply.
"Yes but she also needs her boyfriend okay? She needs someone to love her and take care of her." Emily states and I nod.
"The surgeries are scheduled for tomorrow. She'll be out for the rest of the day. You might want to get some sleep too." Emily says and I nod. "and remember, she doesn't just need a soldier to fight for her and protect her she needs someone to love her."
I walk back into the room and lay down next to mackenzie. I bring my arms around her protectively and began to sing.
"One day you'll come into my world and say it all. You say well be together even when your lost. One day you'll say these words I've thought but never said you say were better off together in our bed."

I fell asleep to Mackenzie's soft breathing and the hum of the machines.


Emily came in and woke both mackenzie and I up. It was surgery day. I was a bit nervous for Mackenzie's surgery. She was a little upset with us for not telling her but once she knew why it wasn't a good idea she calmed down a bit.
"You'll be okay. I promise." I say kissing her head.
"I love you austin." She sighed and then Emily told us it was time to go. Mackenzie was wheeled out first and then someone came and got me.
The surgery took all of ten minutes. Luckily for me, the bullet was still in one piece. They offered me pain killers once it was all over but I politely refused, remembering the last time I had taken pain killers. The wheeled me back to my room and it was empty. I began to worry.
"Emily? Where's mackenzie?" I ask.
"She's still in surgery and everything is going perfectly. What color cast would you want?" She replied trying to change the subject. I thought for a moment.
"Red." I reply, red is Mackenzie's favorite color. She nods and goes to grab the items she needs. While I wait I grab Mackenzie's phone. I pull up her twitter to compose a new tweet.

'Austin is the bestest. #hacked'

I chuckled to myself when her phone buzzed with a new message. It was from Sarah.

'Thank you for the other day. I'm so sorry I broke down like that. Feel better soon boo <3'

I smiled and scrolled through the other massages. When I came across my contact I was kind of upset. It only said austin. No hearts or anything like that. I clicked edit and changed it to 'austypoo 💕😍😂👌'
Well that was definitely original. I made sure to delete the messages from that night. I wanted her to forget that night. Emily came back in with what she needed and started wrapping up my arm. Once she was finished she handed me a black sharpie.
"So she can sign it. She'll be out in a few." Emily said before leaving me alone in the room. Sighing I twiddled my thumbs until the door opened once again. They wheeled mackenzie in again and her face lit up when she saw me. The doctors set up her bed and made sure she was comfortable before giving me orders on what not to do.
"Okay thank you." I say and they leave.
"Austy what happened to your arm?" She giggled.
"Josh shot it." I say and she pokes my cheek. "Your on loopy babe. Go to sleep." I say and kiss her forehead.
"Okay." She says before curling up against me. "Austin?"
"Yes beautiful?"
"I'm still alive."
"Yes you are and I couldn't be happier." I reply stroking her hair. She falls asleep for about twenty minutes before she wakes again. Smiling up at me, she kisses my cheek.
"I missed you."
"I missed you too babe." I say kissing her nose. "So I have a question for you?"
"Will you sign my cast?" I ask sweetly batting my eyelashes. She laughs and takes the sharpie from my hand. I adjust my arm so she can write. She finishes and I look down at it smiling.

I love you to the moon and back.
<3 Kenzie

Smiling I kiss her on the cheek and snuggle up closer to her.
"Let's do an austream!" She suddenly shouts and I laugh.
"Really? You want to?"
"Yeah you haven't done one in forever and I remember when I was just a fan I would scream and jump around excitedly when I heard you were doing one." She replies her eyes lighting up. I smile and pull out my computer from the bag my mom left me. I pull up ustream and log in.
"Wait." Mackenzie says and I stop what I'm doing and look at her. "Pass me the bag your mom brought for me." She says and I pass it over. She rummages through it for a few seconds before pulling out a hair brush and some makeup. I groan.
"You don't need that your beautiful enough."
"Just in case." She replies and I roll my eyes. I pull up twitter and tweet that an austream is starting.
"Hello? Can y'all hear me? Can you see me?" I ask into the camera and the comments come flying in. Most of them saying they can hear and see me but some asking about how we are or saying they want to marry me.
"Alright so surprise austream in the hospital!" I say into the camera smiling. "With the babe." Mackenzie scoots in so she can be seen on the screen and I push the computer down my legs a bit.
"So well answer questions or do some dares okay? Hashtag maustream to ask us." Mackenzie pulls out her phone and giggles.
"I have the first one." She smiles and I watch her read it. "I dare mackenzie to do Austin's makeup." She giggles again and pulls out the makeup.
"The fans want what the fans want." She says shrugging. I playfully groan and let her do my makeup. If I was a girl the makeup would have looked amazing but sadly I am a guy and makeup isn't for us so I looked stupid. It was my turn so I scrolled through the mentions and found a question.
"Is mackenzie a good kisser?" I read out loud and mackenzie looked at me.
"Well yes yes she is. In fact she's the best kisser I've ever gotten to kiss." I reply looking at mackenzie. She blushed and looked down at her lap. I lifted her chin and brought my lips to hers. We kissed for a few seconds before she disconnected our lips. Pouting I leaned in for another kiss. She just placed her hand in front of her mouth. I turned to the screen where comments were flying in.
One said and I laughed.
"Yes ladies and gentlemen mackenzie here has denied kissing the one and only austin mahone."
"Woah cocky much?" She says poking my cheek. I laugh. We continue the ustream for about an hour before we end up logging off.
"I love you so much mackenzie rose peters."
"And I love you austin carter mahone."
"One day I promise ill get down on one knee and ask you to marry me. I promise you I will. I really love you." I say snuggling up closer to her. The light was off so we could go to sleep. I was holding her hand and playing with her fingers.
"I love you so much too austin. I don't know where I'd be without you. And to be honest I can't wait for that day." She whispers.
"It will happen. I promise. Goodnight beautiful."
"Goodnight austy. I love you." She ssy before she falls asleep.
"I love you more than anything in the world." I whispers before falling asleep with her.


So I know this was earlier than I said but we have a tradition with my family and I wouldn't be able to post it before Christmas. Another chapter will be on it's way after Christmas.

Oh and I just wanted to say. The video for marry me by Jason durelo (I suck at spelling. Sue me.) is how I see austin and Mackenzie's relationship. Just watch it Kay? Love ya lots xx don't forget to comment and vote. Dedicated to @austease74 because she's so sweet <3

~Kenzie :)

Old Sparks (Austin Mahone)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin