Twenty Two (Lee Minhyuk)

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"I'm sorry," Hyunwoo said softly. "I'm sorry." He patted Minhyuk's cheek with the cloth. It had rubbing alcohol on it to clean up the wound. "I'm so sorry. I'll stop. Please, make me stop."

Minhyuk hissed at the pain. Although, it was nothing compared to how his heart felt. "Hyunwoo, I'm so sick of this. Hoseok finally snapped, and I'm about to also." His voice was weak. "I'm not supposed to be scared of my own boyfriend."

The elder bit his lip, watching how Minhyuk flinched away from him. "I know I can't fix this. I'm sorry, Minhyuk. I didn't even know it was such a big problem."

"You drink to the point that you throw things at me," Minhyuk pushed Hyunwoo's hand away. Tears formed in his eyes. "This is the third time. What do you want me to do? Hoseok is crazy; he put up with Hyungwon's shit until he broke. Well, this is me breaking, Hyunwoo. I don't want to do this anymore."

Minhyuk was tired of it. He was tired of Hyunwoo drinking and taking it out on him. Hoseok lied; he said if you love someone you stay by their side. Sometimes, loving someone means letting go if you enable their bad behavior. Minhyuk was tired of getting hurt, tired of getting pushed around. Hyunwoo needed help, and he couldn't supply that.

"I can't do this, Hyunwoo. Please just let me leave."

Minhyuk lived a normal life up to this point. He had a supportive family. He went to a good college to get a degree in teaching, which he never used. Minhyuk got a job as Hoseok's assistant, only to be fired and then hired as Hyunwoo's assistant when Hyungwon came in to play. Overall, Minhyuk had never done anything wrong to be in a relationship like this.

"I'm terrified of you," Minhyuk continued. "I'm scared to sleep in the same bed with you. I don't want to breathe the same air as you, but I let myself fall when you don't drink. I tell myself you'll stop. But you won't. So, I'm moving out and taking Hoseok with me."

Hyunwoo cleared his throat. "You can't get an apartment in one day."

"We will go to a hotel." He stood up. "I'm quitting. I will never speak to you ever again."

With that, he entered Hoseok's room. Hoseok lied on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. Hoseok was wearing the same sweatpants and black hoodie from the day before. Minhyuk sat on the end of the bed.

"We are moving out."


Minhyuk sighed, running a hand through Hoseok's black hair. "Because I don't want to be with Hyunwoo anymore. I can't help him. And you can't sit in bed all day. Hyungwon wasn't that great."

Hoseok sat up and stared blankly at Minhyuk. "Min, I think he cheated on me. What do you expect me to do? Not everyone can be as happy as you are!"

Minhyuk raised his voice, "I'm not happy, Hoseok; I'm fucking miserable! Do you know how many times I though 'wow if Hyunwoo threw something hard enough, maybe I'd be dead'? I want to die, Hoseok. I pretend to be happy for you, even though all you give me is causing me to almost lose my job! You fucking fired me for someone you barely know, who now, by the way, is on the run and kills people. Don't tell me that I'm happy."

He surprised himself. He didn't mean to snap, but not a word was a lie. Ever since he had gotten together with Hyunwoo, depression had hit him. Most days he pulled it off with a smile, but other days he wanted to beg someone to kill him because he wasn't strong enough to do it himself. Hyunwoo ruined him, and there was no fixing him.

"Min, I had-"

"I didn't tell anyone," he confessed in a softer voice. "I didn't tell anyone because I was so scared. I pulled it off with a smile, and then you told me to stay with Hyunwoo. I'm so scared, Hoseok." He whispered the last part.

Hoseok pulled Minhyuk into a hug. "We will get through this. We will move out and you'll never see Hyunwoo again. I'll never see Hyungwon. We are okay."

Minhyuk pulled back and looked into Hoseok's eyes. "What about your job?"

"I'll report Hyunwoo to the police. Then, he will get fired because he has been drinking on the job before. I won't quit. I'll solve easier cases and brush off Hyungwon's and protect his identity. I promised him that much."

"Do you still love him?"

Hoseok smiled sadly. "Do you still love Hyunwoo?"

They left it at that, and slowly packed their things. Maybe they could live a better life alone with each other.

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