Chapter 13

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'Will they track a call I make on a pay phone?' Vic asked.
'I don't think so..' I said hesitantly.
'Who are you calling..?' Brendon asked.
'My brother. I know the prison will probably tell my family but I want to speak to him myself.'
Brendon looked at him skeptically, 'Okay..'
Vic frowned before shrugging and looking around.
'Do you know where we are?' I asked him.
'Roughly.' He shrugged.
'Great.' I muttered sarcastically under my breath.
Vic smirked at me and linked his hand with mine, as we wandered down the streets of New York.

'I see a payphone.' Kellin told me.
'Where?' I asked, excited to speak to my brother again.
He pointed towards a red box on the other side of the road.
I crossed quickly avoiding the yellow taxis and speeding cars that were racing down the streets.
I rummaged through my bag and picked out a dollar, inserting it into the machine.
I typed Mikes memorised number in and picked up the phone.
'Hello?' I spoke.
'Is this Mike?'
He paused.
Who's this?
'It's Vic.' I smiled.
I could hear the smile in his voice as he said my name.
'Yeah, it's me.'
H-how are you calling me? They have phones in the prison now?
'No, I- I managed to leave..'
You got released!?
' I escaped..' I muttered.
You escaped? He yelled.
'Sh! Yes, I did. With my boyfriend and a friend.'
Oh my god. I-I'm happy for you but.. god you've got me worried now..
'Don't be. We'll be fine, I just needed to call you, to make sure you're okay.'
Yeah, yeah I'm fine.
I frowned, ignoring for now how shifty he sounded.
'Are you sure?'
'Got a boyfriend yet?' I laughed.
Uh..yeah, yeah I do..
'Mike, there's something wrong. What is it?' I said sternly.
'Mike. Tell me.'
I heard him sigh loudly,
Dad knows.
My heart leapt in my chest.
'W-what! He knows that you're gay!?' I asked.
Y-yeah, he does..
'What's he doing? Is he hitting you?' I panicked, remembering how he treated me when he found out.
No, no he just yelled at me and told me to stay away from my boyfriend..
I knew he was lying, I can always tell when my brother was lying. He's a terrible liar.
'Mike, what's he done?! I know you're lying.'
I heard him sigh again,
He just.. hit me. Only once. I swear.
I frowned, then made up my mind.
'I'm coming down to San Diego as soon as possible and you're coming with us.'
N-no you c-
'You can take your boyfriend too. I'm not leaving you with him.'
You don't have t-
'See you soon Mike.' I said before hanging up.
I stepped out of the box and took a deep breath before breathing back out, seeing my breath in the cold air.
'Looks like we're gunna be having two more travel partners with us.' I stated.
'Don't question it, we don't have enough time, I'll tell you later. Right now, we're taking a small de-tour to San Diego.' I said sheepishly.
'A small de-tour!?' Kellin screamed.
'I'm sorry, we have to. I'll explain everything on the way, I-I just can't leave my brother at home, okay?'
Brendon and Kellin nodded, looking uncertain.
I gave them an apologetic look and stuck my hand out in the road, signalling a taxi.
This was gunna be harder than I expected...
So in the last chapter I asked if it was possible for 400 reads before Christmas and I got to 400 about five minutes I posted the chapter so THANKS SO MUCHH🖤🖤
Annnnd Fallen Angels got to 2K so thanks for that tooooo💜
I hope y'all had a good Christmas, or if you don't celebrate it, hope you're having a good holiday🎄🌚
I hope you have/had a good day and I'll see y'all in the next chapterrr🧡

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