Chapter 2

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I shivered and snuggled into my blanket further.
This wasn't my blanket..
I shifted uncomfortably and cracked my eyes open, awaken from a peaceful, long sleep.

I couldn't see much through the small crack in my eyes so I slowly got up, rubbing my eyes and tugging the blanket around myself.

The temperature was unusually cold..

I opened my eyes to be stared back at by a plain, gray wall.
I frowned and looked around.
I was in some kinda of cell.

Then it all came back to me.
Everything that had happened last night.
My heart sunk as my eyes welled up with tears. I can't believe my own parents turned me in.
I wiped a tear that was glistening on my cheek and slowly got up, rubbing my arms that had goosebumps littered over them.

'Where am I?' I whispered hoarsely to my self, pacing around my cell.

'Oi, Newbies awake!' Someone yelled from down the hall.

Suddenly, piles of people appeared at my cell bars.
I stumbled back, accidentally crashing into a small bed side table.
'What's your name?'
'How old are you?'
'Are you fully gay or just a bit?'
'Will you date me?'
Thousands of questions were being fired at me at once and I was finding it hard to concentrate.
'Hey! Jesus Christ leave the poor guy alone! Have you all forgotten how scared you were the first morning you woke up?' A voice said.
I let out a sigh of relief, I should probably thank that person.
The crowd outside my room split as a tall thin boy stepped through with shaggy brown hair.

'Thanks.' I smiled sheepishly.
He smiled back at me and nodded.
Everyone had cleared off by now so it was just us.
He pushed my door open and stepped inside.
'Alex.' He smiled, holding out his hand.
'Kellin.' I returned the smile and shook his hand.
'Are they scared of you or something? They all cleared off pretty quickly.' I laughed awkwardly.
He chuckled and shook his head, 'No I've just been here the longest.'
'Oh, how long have you been here exactly..?' I asked, wondering how long I'd be stuck here.
'About five years or so.' He answered.
My stomach plummeted.
Five years?!
'But don't worry, it's just because I don't go by their rules. Most people only stay here a few months,' He reassured me, 'I did get out last year, but it only lasted three months before my uncle caught me sucking some dude off.' He laughed.
I chuckled awkwardly. Well he's very open.
I guess I like him though, he seems nice.
'So.. you're obviously new, wanna hang out with my group at lunch?' He asked.
'Sure' I shrugged.
'When is lunch?' I asked.
He smirked and checked his watch, 'About an hour.'

'What cell are you?' He asked, though it seemed more to hisself.
'230' He Read, a massive grin of his face.

'What?' I asked.
'I guess you don't know your cell mate?' He asked.
I shook my head and frowned.
'You've got Fuentes, been here nearly for as long as me. Rumour has it he fucks every one of his cell mates.' Alex snorted.

'Had a crush on him for a while. Vic's probably one of the hottest guys here.' Alex trailed off.

Vic huh?

Wait, does that make my room mate a sex addict?

I gulped as fear coursed through my body.
'Don't worry, he only does it coz they all want him to. Like I said, He is very hot after all.' He said with a wink.

'Okay?' I whispered.
'Relax, you'll be fine. He seems like a cool dude.'
I shrugged.
'Okay, see ya in an hour I guess.' Alex said.
I nodded and gave him a small wave as he walked off.
I walked over to the small, hard bed.
I sat down and rested my head on the wall.
So my cell mates a sex addict?

'You're new.' A voice said.
I looked up to see a boy, about my age, standing in the doorway.
He had long brown curly hair and eyes that matched the color of his hair, his skin was tanned and he was wearing mainly black clothing with a snap back.

I knew it was Vic.
Alex described him as 'hot' and that was definitely a description of this guy.

'Umm.. yeah I-I am' I said, stumbling over my words.
He chuckled slightly and walked over to me, 'I'm vic.'
'Yeah, I know.' I murmured.
'Already heard about me huh?' He asked.
I nodded and looked to the floor.
Jeez he really is hot.

I felt his eyes on me, which made me feel slightly uncomfortable.
'Is it true you fuck everyone?' I blurted out, before covering my mouth with my hands.
He chuckled sarcastically and shook his head, 'Wow, you believe the rumours huh?'
'I don't know..' I whispered.
'It's all just shitty gossip, don't believe the lies that you've heard about me.' He said.
I shrugged, 'Sorry.'
He sighed and put something down on his table, 'Well, maybe next time you shouldn't be so gullible.'
He walked out of the room.
I guess he had a point.
It's not really a good way to start with my new room mate though.
Never mind, I'll apologies later.
Right now, I should probably worry about making my self presentable for lunch so I don't look like a tramp.

Like my dad always said
'First impressions are key.'

Ik this chapter was bad but I'm not feeling that great atm so it's quite hard to write, but I really wanted to publish sooo yar
Thanks for reading,
Hope you're having/ have had a good day and I'll see y'all in the next chapter.

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