Chapter 21

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I was shaken out of my sleep but a frantic Mike.
'Kellin, we need to leave, in like.. five minutes or we'll miss the flight!' He yelled.
'Shit.' I muttered, flinging the duvet off me and running to my bag, my leg giving way as I ran, but that didn't slow me down.
I ran into the bathroom and flung my clothes on, washing my face and combing through the knots in my hair.
I burst through the door, 'I'm ready.' I breathed.
'Jesus Christ..' Brendon muttered.
I guess I could get ready quickly if I needed to.
We checked out of the hotel and leapt in the car, slamming the doors behind us and waiting for the sound of the engine roaring to life.
Mike accelerated hard, sending Brendon and I flying backwards.
I gripped onto the side of the seat as Mike drove like a lunatic.
'I don't usually drive like this.' Mike muttered, turning a sharp corner.
I nodded, I mean, If he did he wouldn't have a drivers license.
The sun was just started to rise on the horizon, making the clouds go a bright pink-orange color, it made me smile for a second, before Mike slammed the brakes in front of a red light, knocking me back into reality.

Not before long, we pulled up outside the airport.
We clambered out the car and rushed through the doors, passed security and before we knew it, we were back on a plane, this time, with Mike.

The flight seemed to drag on for longer this time.
I guess it was because I was so nervous about Vic.
What even was Brendon's plan?
How did he know where Vic was?
Did he even know where Vic was?
'Where's Vic?' I challenged Brendon.
He sighed, 'Don't kill me if he isn't, but my best guess is that he's at Michigan's state prison. They hold people there for a few days usually before taking them wherever they need to be taken.' Brendon stated.
'How do we get him out?' I asked.
'Distraction.' Brendon answered.
'How? We're both still on the run remember?' I sighed.
He rolled his eyes,'Yeah, we are...'
I groaned and sat back in my seat.
'But Mike isn't.' He added.
I raised my eyebrow, 'Why didn't I think of that?'
Brendon tapped his forehead,'All this brain storage, makes me clever.'
I laughed slightly and relaxed a bit more.
Maybe this would work...


Anxiously, we stared up at the prison gates.
I gave Mike a small smile, 'Remember the plan?'
He nodded and took a deep breath, before walking in, leaving us to run around the back.

I'm going to get Vic back.

This was really short but I'm determined to finish this one soon lmao coz I'm really exited to start my new one😂
Hope you had/have a good day,
And I'll see y'all in the next chapterrreeee

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