Chapter 16

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Waking up this morning wasn't anywhere near as bad as I was expected it to be.
Apart from the aches and pains, it was actually rather pleasant.
There was a cool breeze whistling around the forest and the occasional bird song. If it wasn't for the whole mess we were in, it would be quite relaxing.
But obviously, there was no time to relax.
We had to get moving, and fast.

'How long do you think it will be before we get to the falls?' I asked, clutching my sides.
'I'm not sure, I don't think we have to go much farther though.' Vic assured me.
I nodded and kept walking, cringing at the sounds of sticks sharply snapping under my feet.
Brendon's idea of staying in the forest for a few days and keeping away from the city was a good idea, but we had to find a source of water and food somewhere.
I groaned slightly and wiped the sweat off my forehead.
The longer we walked, the hotter the sun got.
I was so thirsty, and no doubt Vic and Brendon were too.
I let out a small cough and winced at how dry my throat was.
Vic gave me a sympathetic look and grabbed my hand, 'We'll get there soon.' He whispered.
I smiled at him slightly.
'Hey guys?' Brendon said.
'Yeah?' We said in unison.
He pointed to a small puddle of water, 'We're probably quite close, the ground is getting damp.'
Vic and I grinned and nodded.
The thought of getting water made me push on further, until, finally, I could hear the sound of rushing water.
'Oh my god I can hear it.' I squealed, pulling Vic with me and running to the source.
Behind the trees was a large waterfall, with a small pool at the bottom of vics hand and rushed towards it, cupping the water in my hands and taking long gulps of it.
'Oh my god.' I breathed.
Not before long, Brendon and Vic were beside me doing the same.
After drinking all I could, I lay down in the soft mud and stared at the sky, a small smile on my face.
Never had I been so happy to drink water.
'Tomorrow,' Brendon started, 'We'll go to the city.'
We nodded, just appreciating this moment.
I felt Vic lay beside me, 'It's beautiful isn't it?'
I smiled, 'I almost forgot about your love for the sky.'
I felt Vic smile, 'I could never forget about yours.. the first time I took you out, I took you to look at the stars.' Vic murmured.
'True.' I whispered.
I watched a couple of sky larks chase each other in the sky before Vic spoke again, 'I always dreamed of travelling the world and seeing the sky from different points of the Earth.'
I smiled, 'That's always been my dream too.'
'Maybe when all of this is over, we can go and see the Northern lights one day..' Vic whispered.
'I'd like that.' I admitted.

'Are you sure this is safe?' I asked Brendon.
He shrugged, 'We'll soon find out.'
We found a hidden cave behind the waterfall, a possible perfect place to sleep for the night.
'Don't they have bears here?' Vic asked.
'Don't know the area very well.' He said.
I laughed, 'You know there's a waterfall in one of the most hidden places, but not if there are any bears?'
Brendon shrugged, 'I don't know.'
'Right..' I muttered.
Brendon stayed quiet and carried on walking farther into the cave, his feet splashing slightly in the small layer of water on the floor, which echoed throughout the cave.
'It looks pretty bear-free to me.' Vic shrugged.
'Okay, So we'll stay here?' I asked.
'Guess so.'

I sighed and rest my head against the entrance of the cave, the sound of water crashing and crickets chirruping created a relaxed and soothing atmosphere.
I stared at the moon, which was full and as bright as a pair of polished headlights, and wondered what life would be like if everyone was treated as equals.
Why is their so much hate?
Why can we just all live in peace?
The sound of footsteps snapped me out of my thoughts.
'What you doing out so late?' Vic whispered.
'Couldn't sleep..' I murmured.
'Neither could I, What are you doing?'
I shrugged, 'Just.. thinking.'
'About what?' He questioned, tucking a bit of falling hair out of my face.
'How fucked up everything is.' I muttered.
Vic hummed and kissed my forehead, 'One day, everything will be fine.'
'Will it though?' I asked, sitting up straight.
'What do you mean?' He questioned.
I sighed, 'I don't know, everyone seems to keep going on about how everything will be okay in the future and how things will change but.. what if they don't? What if they never change, and the world stays like this forever, what if we die in a world where people like us are seen as monsters?' I blurted out.
'Kells I-'
'I just feel so lost and I don't know what to do.. I love you Vic, and I mean it. I know you probably won't feel the same but I do, I love you but it just feels weird knowing that I love someone who I'm not meant to love, if that makes sense. And it's all too much to take and now I-'
He pressed his lips against me, shocking me at first before calming me and making me forget all my problems just for that moment.
He ran his fingers through my hair and carried on kissing me, making my stomach flip.
I pressed my lips harder against his causing a small moan to escape his lips, I smirked and pulled away, blushing.
'I love you too.' He whispered.
'R-really?' I stuttered.
He nodded, 'I've wanted to tell you for a while, but I never really got the courage but yeah, I love you so fucking much Kells.'

I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder, suddenly feeling at peace with the world..

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