Chapter 6

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I couldn't wipe the grin off my face for the whole of this morning, even as I was eating the prisons foul breakfast.
'Whatcha smirking at Quinn?' Alex asked.
I just shrugged and shoved another spoonful of crap in my mouth.
I turned my gaze over to Vic's table, seeing him sat with his friends who I remember to be called Jaime and Tony.

'Uhh Kellin?' Jack said, waving his hand in front of my face.
I jumped back and blinked, 'Sorry.' I muttered.

I sat for a while and thought,
Did the kiss actually matter?
So does he want to go out with me?

Butterflies erupted in my stomach at the thought of being able to call Vic mine.

'So, anyway, I was listening in to a conversation that two of the guards were having..' Zack said, 'And next Friday is visiting day!' He smiled.
I smiled gently to myself, but I didn't really want to see my parents. They did put me here after all.
'You don't look too happy.' Rian stated.
I shrugged, 'Well, my parents did put me here..'
'Ohhh, damn. That's betrayal!' Alex said.
I chuckled slightly, 'Yeah..'
The bell went off, signalling that breakfast was over, so I quickly ran over to Vic, knowing he wanted to see his brother.
'Vic!' I called.
He turned around, smiling as he saw me.
'Hey.' He smiled.
'Hi, I have news.' I said.
I nodded, and beckoned him to follow me.
I sat on my bed and waited for vic to sit on his.
'So?' He said.
'Apparently, Zack over heard the guards talking. Visiting is next week.'
Vic's mouth stretched into a wide grin and his eyes watered. He leapt up and wrapped his arms around me, squeezing the air out of my body.
'I can see my little brother..' Vic whispered.
I smiled and laced my fingers with his, 'yeah..'
He looked up and smiled at me, 'What about you? Any family coming?' He asked.
I shrugged, 'I don't know. I'm not even sure if I would want to see them really.'
'Oh?' He said.
'Dobbed me in.' I muttered.
Vic's face became full of sympathy as he nodded, 'Im sorry, I get you though. My dad did the same.'
'I'm sorry.' I whispered.
'It's not your fault.' He replied, giving me a sad smile.
'Anyway, wanna go back to the city tonight?' Vic asked.
I nodded, giving him a smile.
'Cool.' He said, giving my hand a squeeze and getting up to leave.
'Vic.' I said.
He turned around and nodded.
'Where do you always go in the mornings? Before breakfast.' I asked, curious.
'I go outside. It's nice to get fresh air once in a while.' He smiled.
I nodded, 'Could I maybe go with you some time?' I asked, suddenly feeling shy.
'Sure.' He chuckled.
I smiled and got up to leave for our therapy lesson.
Great, an hour of bullshit and boredom.
Vic smirked at me as he saw the dread in my eyes.
'Come on, I'll take you to an ice cream parlour after.'
My eyes lit up, I hadn't had ice cream I. ages.
Vic chuckled and gave me an adorable look before opening the door to our therapy session.
This is going to go on forever..

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