Chapter 5

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I gulped down my dinner, trying not to puke it back up. Honestly, I have no idea how I'm going to get used to the taste, but right now I was just excited to go into the city with Vic.
Nervous, but excited.
After all, I'd never been to New York before and, I was breaking the rules.
But rules were made to be broken right?

'You're wolfing that down, gotta be somewhere?' Alex laughed.
I wiped my mouth and smiled, 'Something like that.'
'Well, you better go before the guards come in. People try and stay at the end of dinner to get out or something, I've never really got it, so there's a high level of security around now, you might want to make a move while you still can.' Jack said.
I nodded and got up, 'Okay, thanks for telling me.' I said, rushing off.
Vic had told me to meet him by the lake again, so I headed off into that direction.
A man in uniform walked round the corner, making me panic.
Not knowing what to do, I dived into the nearest cell and waited for the guard to walk past.
'What are you doing..?' A voice said.
I turned around and backed away when I saw a tall, heavily tattooed man towering over me.
'I-I.. umm I w-was j-just...' I stuttered.
He smirked at me and rolled his eyes, 'Works on the newbies every time.' He chuckled.
I gave him a questioning look, still slowly edging back.
'The new ones, they're always terrified of me.' He laughed.
'Oh.' I whispered.
He just smirked and shrugged, 'It's quite amusing really.'
'Sorry..' I muttered.
'I don't care, just.. don't judge a book by its cover.' He chuckled.
'Yeah, yeah.. I won't.' I said.
'You're Kellin right, the new one?' He asked.
I nodded.
'Austin.' He smiled, reaching his hand out.
I shook it and smiled,' Hi.'
'Hello.' He sniggered.
'Well, I've gotta go anyway.. see you around.' I said, awkwardly.
'Yeah, I guess I will.' He smiled.

I walked out of his cell, cursing myself for being such an awkward person.
The corridor was clear so I jogged down to the end, not wanting Vic to think I wasn't going, seeing as I was already slightly late.

I turned the corner and entered the lake garden.
I breathed a sigh of relief as the outdoor air filled my lungs once more, it felt great.
I quickly checked my clothes in the moss covered mirror.
A black shirt with black skinny jeans, my hair fell lightly onto my shoulders.
I avoided looking at my face, because I knew that would just dampen my mood.
I think that looked good enough, I don't really know what to wear in a city.
I shrugged and smiled to myself, I'm sure it's fine.
I turned the corner to see Vic standing there, gazing into the lake.
He was wearing the same as me, apart from his shirt was gray and he was wearing a black SnapBack.
He looked amazing.
I started doubting what I was wearing and how I looked and started panicking.
What if he think I look awful?
What if I'm not dressed well enough?
What if my hairs greasy?

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Vic speak, 'Oh my god you look great!' He gushed.
Well that answers my questions.
'I-I do?' I stuttered. Goddamn it Kellin.

'Of course you do..' Vic said, frowning.
I shrugged and blushed slightly, 'Okay, how do we get out?' I asked.
Vic chuckled and nodded towards a tall barbwired fence.
'We don't climb over it do we..' I asked, looking at the sharp wire over the top.
'No, that would be painful.' Vic chuckled.
I breathed a sigh of relief and nodded.
'Yeah, we just climb that tree and drop over.' He said, pointing to a massive tree that drooped over the fence.
'What!?' I yelled.
'Eh, its not as bad as it looks.' He chuckled.
'Yeah.. I'll be the judge of that.' I muttered.
Vic rolled his eyes, smirking slightly, 'Come on,' He said, 'Before we get caught.'
We walked over to the tree, which suddenly looked taller than it did a minute ago.
'I'll give you a leg up.' Vic said.
I took a deep breath and nodded, 'Okay.'
He hoisted me up as I reached for the first branch, grabbing onto it and pulling my self up.
I slowly clambered up higher until I was certain I was above the fence.
'Okay, now go along that branch at jump!' Vic called from the ground.
'What!?' I said.
'Just do it!'
I cursed under my breath and shakily shuffled down the branch, letting my legs dangle over the edge.
'Now jump.' Vic said.
'It's too high!' I whined.
'No it's not, I do it and I'm shorter than you.' Vic laughed.
I huffed and let go of the branch, falling through the air until my feet touched the ground.
My legs were shaking but I was alright.
Nothing bad happened.
For once.

I looked at Vic through the fence, he had just started climbing and he was already at the top.
Show off.
'Be careful, I don't want to land on you.' Vic laughed, I looked up to see his legs dangling above my head.
I took a step back as he jumped to the floor.
I giggled slightly as he looked up, his hair messed around his face.
He flipped it back and smirked, 'Shut up Quinn.' He joked.
I smirked and nudged him with my elbow.
'Let's go then.' He laughed.
'Keep your eyes closed.' Vic laughed.
'I am, just hurry up!' I whined.
Vic led me up another set of stairs, keeping a tight hold of my hand, sending butterflies in my stomach.
I guess it had just been a while since I held someone's hand.. that's all it is.
'Okay, just a few more steps forward.' He said.
I shuffled forward and suddenly, it was cold.

'Okay, you can open your eyes.' He said.
I peeked my eyes open to see bright light shining everywhere.
I let my eyes adjust before seeing clearly.
Vic and I were standing at the top of a massive skyscraper, you could see all the cars driving below us and we had got here just in time to see the sun setting on the horizon, lighting up the whole city of New York, colors reflecting off almost everything.
It was beautiful.
I turned to Vic who was smiling widely, the colors of the sun reflecting in his large brown eyes.
'Vic, this is beautiful.' I gushed.
'I know.' He grinned.
He rested his head on my shoulder, making my stomach flip, but I ignored it for now, just enjoying the amazing view.
It's hard to appreciate the world when you're cooped away at home, watching the stars through your dirty bedroom window, but out here, I can see just how amazing it really is.
'I used to think the world was a horrible place until I came here.' Vic said.
'Yeah.. the world isn't a horrible place, I know that, it's just filled with horrible people..' I muttered.
Vic shifted his head off my shoulder and looked at me, 'You're right, I'm just glad some of them are okay.' He murmured.
'So do I.' I smiled.
My eyes flickered to his lips and his flickered to mine, he played with my fingers, sending chills down my spine.
I looked away,'How long to you spend here?' I asked.
'Usually until it's dark, I like the stars.' He smiled, turning his gaze away from me.
'Same.' I whispered.
The stars sparkled in the sky like polished diamonds.
I looked over to Vic who was laying on the floor next to me, his hands wrapped in with mine.
'That group of stars there looks like a cat.' Vic laughed, pointing to the sky.
I smiled and averted my gaze from his.
'I wish we could stay here forever.' I whispered.
'I know. It's hard admitting that you have to go back to that hell hole but, I know I can go back the next night. I hold on to that.' Vic muttered.
'Yeah.. can I go again?' I asked.
'Of course.' Vic smiled.

We lay in silence for a while before he spoke again.
'You know...' vic muttered, 'I think I like you..'
My cheeks heated up and my heart was beating fast.
'I think I like you too.' I breathed, a massive smile stretching across my face.
I turned to face him, staring into his deep brown eyes. I could get lost in ten forever.
His lips joined mine softly, making butterflies erupt in my stomach.
The kiss was only short but it was sweet.
'I'm glad your dads a dick.' Vic chuckled.
I frowned, 'What?' I laughed.
'If he wasn't, I wouldn't have met you.'
I don't really know if this is any good, Im not really feeling that great mentally recently and I'm finding it quite hard to actually think straight but I really enjoy writing so I decided to update :))
And on Saturday I was 50 days clean from self harm so that's also goood because I never really thought I'd get that far. But yeah, things are still quite hard at the moment so I'm sorry if my writings rubbish. I'm trying to improve.
Hope you're having/ have had a good day and I'll see y'all in the next chapter☺️

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