Chapter 17

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I sighed and quietly zipped my bag up, being carefully not to wake the others.
I looked at Kellin.
He was so beautiful..
His eyes were gently shut and he was softly snoring, his hair fell lightly across his face and at this moment in time, he looks so peaceful.
I pressed my lips together and tried to hold back tears.
I love Kellin, but what I'm about to do is for the best.
He's better off without me, with me, he'll get into trouble and no doubt end up back in the cells of that hell hole.
This way, he can go straight to Ireland or England or wherever he wants to, and I can't hold him back.
All I know is that I need to find my brother, and I can't do that without holding Kellin back.
I only have two choices;
Leave the love of my life in order to keep him safe,
Or to stay with him but end up back in prison..
He can't go back there, it would ruin him.
I felt a tear slip down my face, and finally released a small sob.
I breathed in sharply and exhaled again, 'I'm sorry.' I cried, quietly.
I leant down and kissed Kellin gently on the forehead.
I glanced at him one more time, before turning away and making sure not to look back, knowing if I did, I'd change my mind in an instant.
I walked to the end of the cave and saw the moon glowing in the sky.
It would be sunrise soon..
Kellin and I would fantasise about watching the sun rise from the peak of a mountain when all of this was over..
Now those dreams are far away, impossible.
More tears spilled out over my eyes and ran down my cheek.
My lips quivered and I finally lost it, my knees buckling at the entrance of the cave as I whimpered to myself.
I love him so much..
So much that I have to leave.
I hate myself for it, I know I'll regret it for the rest of my life.. but what other choice do I have?
I love him too much to stay.
I let myself cry for a few more minutes, using the hard stone of the cave wall to lean on, before wiping my eyes with shaking hands and picking my bag back up.
I took a long shaky breath and swung my bag over my shoulder and stepped out into the night.
A sickening feeling swirled around in my stomach as I realised that could be the last time I ever saw Kells.
I pushed the thought away as I felt more tears fill in my eyes.
I walked along the path, cringing as swigs snapped beneath my feet, not wanting to awake anyone.
'Where are you going?' I heard a quiet voice say.
I snapped around to see Kellin standing in the entrance, looking confused.
'Uhh.. I..' I stuttered.
Hurt spread across his face as he realised what I was doing.
'You were leaving weren't you?' Kellin whispered.
'No.. no Kells I-'
'Don't lie to me..' He said gently, I could hear the pain in his voice.
'Kells.. I-I'm sorry, but you need to let me
go.. you'll be better off without me, I'm just holding you back-' I paused as I saw tears rolling down Kellins cheeks.
'No, no please don't cry Kells..' I begged, my heart aching at the sight of him upset.
'You c-can't leave..' He sobbed, 'I won't let you. I need you Viccy.'
'I-I..' I stuttered, trying to find the right words to say.
'You don't love me?' Kellin whispered, looking at me with giant, blue eyes that were glistening with tears.
'Of course I do, that's why I have to leave!' I cried, my voice breaking.
'No, you don't. Please Vic..' He sobbed.
My heart felt like it was being ripped apart and I knew now, that I had to stay. I couldn't just turn my back on him now.
I put my bag down and walked over to him, letting him fling his arms around me and sob into the crook of my neck.
'Please never leave me..' He sniffled.
'I won't..' I whispered.
'Please!' He cried.
'I'm not leaving Kells, I'm not leaving okay?' I said quietly.
He let another sob out and clutched onto the back of me shirt.
'I'm staying here..' I whispered.
'Good.' He murmured.
He let go of me and looked at me with red, puffy but still beautiful eyes and placed a small kiss on my lips.
'I love you Viccy..'
'I love you too Kells..' I whispered.
He picked my bag up and took my hand, leading me back into the cave and pulling me down to lay next to him.

He didn't take his eyes of me once for the rest of the night..
He was gunna make sure I wouldn't leave again..
But for now, I don't want to.
Literally only wrote this chapter for the SnEaKy 2 chord reference lmao😂
But yurpoooopp, hope y'all enjoyed.
thAnks FoR 600 ReAds ahh💜❤️
Hope you had/have a good day and I'll see y'all in the next chapterrreeeee🤘🏻

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