Chapter 4

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I yawned and stretched my arms out.
My first day here wasn't as bad as I expected, I mean, for a prison after all.

I looked around the cell for Vic, but he wasn't there.
I guess he was more of a morning person than me.
I looked at my clock which read 8.45am

I groaned and rubbed my eyes.
For most people that's a decent time to wake up. For me, it feels like the crack of dawn.

I sighed and shuffled out of bed, slipping my feet into my slippers.
I moped around, looking for my dressing gown.
A note caught my eye on the wall,
Therapy at 9
Meet me five minutes before, by the lake. (Turn right, down corridor and on your left.)

I frowned at the note and snatched it off the wall, chucking it in the bin.
I sighed and got ready as quickly as possible before setting off to meet Vic.

I poked my head out of the cell. Hardly anyone was around.
They were probably all eating breakfast.

I sighed and walked down the corridor, looking for a left turning.
'Hey, Quinn!' Someone yelled.
I turned around to be greeted by Zack.
'Where you going?' He asked.
I shrugged, 'Just wanted to go outside.'
He chuckled, 'You're not allowed in the corridors, you're either meant to be in your cell or in the canteen.'
He laughed and shrugged, 'I mean, I'm breaking the rules too, so if you don't tell I won't?' He asked.
I smiled and nodded.
'Cool, see ya later.' He said.
'See ya..'

I carried on walking until I found a door on the left side, leading outside.
I lightly smiled and pushed the door open, feeling a small gust of wind blow through my hair.
It had only been a day but it seemed like it had been years since I last went outside.
I walked around the side, seeing a large lake with small water lilies floating on the top.
There were huge weeping willows, towering over the water and small frogs leaping around on the lilli pads.
'It's beautiful isn't it?' A voice said.
I turned around to see Vic smiling.
God, he has a nice smile..
I frowned to myself, but then shrugged.
I mean, I only thought he had a nice smile.

'Why did you tell me to come here?' I asked.

'Well, I read your diary.' Vic said.
'What!?' I yelled, my face turning red.
'Yeah, it's like Anne Frank, but more depressing.' He chuckled.
(If you get this reference I will forever love you.)

'W-wha-?' I stuttered.
'Well, I was clearing up and I found it so, me being my nosey self, read through it.' He grinned.
I frowned at him.
'Anyway, I bought you here because you said you liked the night sky.' He said.
I nodded.
'Well, I do too, and I know somewhere we can go to get a amazing view of the stars.' He smiled.
'Here?' I questioned.
He chuckled and shook his head, 'Hell no, this place is disgusting.'
'Oh?' I asked.
'It's in the city, obviously we're not allowed to go, but I've been going most nights for four years and I've never been caught so...'
'Where are we?' I asked, knowing I sounded stupid.
'What do you mean?' He asked.
'Like, where are we? What state, city.. like, where are we?' I said.
'Oh, New York.' He chuckled.
My eyes nearly popped out of my head.
'New York!?' I screeched.
Vic laughed, 'Yeah, New York, where are you from then?'
'Michigan..' I whispered.
Vic shrugged, 'Im from San Diego.'
'Woah..' I said.
'Yeah.' Vic smirked, 'I miss my brother, he can hardly ever visit me.'
'I'm sorry..' I murmured.
'Don't be, it just makes me treasure the times he does more.' He smiled.
'I guess.' I smiled back.
'So, anyway, what do u say?' He asked.
'Tonight, we go into the city?'
'Oh sure, as long as you know where you're going, I've never been to New York.' I laughed nervously.
'Huh! That's a crime against humanity!' He joked.
I shrugged and gave him a lopsided smile, 'My parents don't really like big cities I guess.'
'Well, I'll be honoured to take you there for the first time.' Vic chuckled.
I laughed slightly and nodded, 'Okay'

'So, Kellin, tell me when you first started having these feelings.' The 'therapist' said.
'When I was quite young.' I muttered.
'Did anyone push you into the homosexual life?' She asked.
I saw Vic roll his eyes and mutter something under his breath.
'No.' I stated, frowning.
'Anything else you'd like to say?' She asked.
I shook my head.
'Well, hopefully soon you can go back to normal, thanks for sharing.' She smiled.
I muttered a few curse words at her and rolled my eyes, earning a smirk from Vic.

'Well, I guess that's the end of today's session, remember, same time again tomorrow, don't be late again Barakat.' She said, staring at Jack, who held his hands up in surrender, 'I won't.'

Vic walked up to me, 'Wasn't that just so fun!' He said sarcastically.
I rolled my eyes and let out a small laugh, 'totally.'

I'm glad Vic and I are starting to become friends.

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