Chapter 18

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My eyelids were feeling heavy but I refused to let them shut.
Vic was sleeping peacefully, curled up next to me, whilst Brendon was laying a few meters away, snoring lightly.
I sighed and gently slapped my face, trying to resist the thought of sleep.
I didn't want to sleep, I was too scared Vic would try and leave again..
My heart ached as I looked at him.
I love him so much it hurts.
I felt myself drift off before violently shaking back upright, cursing myself for nearly dropping off.
'Go to sleep Kells..' Vic murmured.
I frowned, 'I'm not tired.'
He chuckled slightly and opened his eyes, slowly sitting up next to me.
'I'm not going to leave, I told you I wouldn't.' He said.
'I know.. I'm just worried.' I whispered.
'Don't be, it was a stupid idea.. I thought it was for the best but now I know that I wanna be here.. with you.' Vic muttered.
I smiled gently and kissed his cheek, 'Thats good then.'
He nodded and smiled back,
'Sleep, we'll leave for the city tomorrow.' He told me.
I sighed before giving in and nodding, letting my eyes droop before the much needed feeling of falling asleep hit me..
'Please don't leave!' I cried.
'I-I'm sorry Kells, I can't stay..' She yelled, frantically.
'Please Isabelle, you're more than just a sister to me, you're my best friend..' I sobbed.
Her lips quivered as tears poured down her face,' I'm so sorry, I have to go..' She whispered.
'No, you don't!' I screamed, covering my face as more tears spilled down my face.
'I love you Kells, but Dad will find out about Iris.. and I love her too, I can't go to prison Kells, I can't.' She cried.
'He won't find out Izzy, he won't I promise.' I bawled.
'I'm sorry Kells..' she whimpered, kissing my forehead before slamming the door and driving off.
I watched as her car sped around the corner out of sight, before sloping down the wall and crying until I couldn't cry anymore tears..
'Izzy..' I sniffed quietly to myself.

'Kells?' A voice said.
I jerked awake and rubbed my eyes, opening them to see a concerned looking Vic staring down at me.
'Are you Okay?' He asked, worry showing in his eyes.
'Uhh, yeah..' I muttered, scratching the back of my head, 'Yeah, I just had a nightmare..'
Vic kissed my forehead and dried my cheeks, which were dampened with tears that I didn't even realise were falling.
'Come on, we're leaving.' He said with a small smile.
I returned the smile and got up drying my eyes and grabbing hold of his hand.

'Where does Mike live?' I asked, simply out of curiosity.
'Twenty-Seven Sea Front House, it's opposite Hotel del Coronado, why?' Vic said.
I shrugged, 'Just wondered, I've heard of that hotel before.'
'Yeah, it's a nice place.'

Brendon turned around, stopping to wait for us.
'There's an airport in the city, we're close.' He said.
Vic and I looked at each other in relief.
Not much further left...

We trekked through the forest until, finally, we came across a highway.
'We need to keep a low profile, okay?' Brendon said.
We both nodded and ran into a back alley that was to the side of the highway.
'Okay, we walk down here then we'll get to the city okay? Don't draw attention to yourself.' Brendon informed us.

The walk was longer than I thought and not before long, our legs were aching and the water had ran out.
'Nearly there..' Brendon said.
'Yeah, you said that thirty minutes ago.' Vic moaned.
'No, look, we're nearly there.' He said as he turned a corner.
Around the corner the city stood, the fumes from the traffic creating a thick smog around it making it look almost ghost-like.
The skyscrapers were incredibly tall, nothing like New York of course, but tall.
Piles and piles of traffic waited outside the city.
'It's gunna be harder than I thought not to be seen...' Brendon muttered.
'Just go, we'll be quick..' I said.
We ran down the side of the highway and knocked on the window of an empty taxi before climbing in the back, with our hoods up and heads down.
'Airport please.' I said.
The driver nodded and slowly drove down the highway, stopping almost constantly due to traffic.
But that was alright, it gave us more time to finally relax back in our seats.

Maybe we could actually make it..
Lolz I haven't updated in agess😂
I've been dying of flu so sorry bout that, but have a crappy rushed chapter woo👏🏻
Thanks for réäding
And I'll see y'alll in the next chapterrrrrr😝

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