Chapter 19

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The smell of sugar churros and cinnamon donuts invaded my nose.
I shut my eyes gently and breathed it in.
God I missed the city.
Stalls spread around the city square, telling me it was Saturday.
Cities were always busiest on Saturdays due to the markets, making this a very dangerous idea.
Vic put his hood back up, and I copied.
'I'm gunna get some food, don't move.' Vic muttered.
'What about money?' I asked, but he'd already sprinted off.
'What happened to keeping down?' Brendon groaned, rolling his eyes.
I smirked slightly and shrugged.
Not before long, Vic came running back, a plastic bag in his hand.
'Go!' He yelled, an old shop owner following him.
I rolled my eyes and sprinted off with Vic, hearing Brendon running beside me.
'Whats go-'
'Keep going!' Vic interrupted.
I could feel my legs slowly giving up so I risked turning around.
I slowed down when I saw no one behind us.
'V-Vic!' I panted, 'St-stop!'
He came to a sudden stop and watched in amusement and I leant against the wall to catch my breath.
'It's not funny, I'm gunna die of a heart attack if you keep doing this.'
Vic chuckled and kissed the tip of my nose.
'You're also lucky you're cute, what happened to keeping a low profile?' I panted.
'Shut up, I got Oreos.' Vic muttered.
'Oh my god, gimme!' I whined, grabbing my hands out like a small child.
Vic laughed and Opened the packet.
It had been so long since I'd had an Oreo and they literally tasted like heaven.
I shut my eyes and groaned as the taste of chocolate and cream exploded in my mouth.
'Oh ma gherd..' I muffled, my mouth full of Oreo.
Vic looked at me in mocked disgust and shook his head.
'Shut up.' I grumbled.
He smirked at me and kissed my cheek, 'wouldn't change ya.'
I gave him a large smile and took another biscuit from the packet.
'Where are we anyway?' I asked, looking down the alley we'd just run down.
'I have no idea.' Vic laughed.
Vic picked up the plastic bag and started walking.
I skipped up next to him, 'What else did you buy?'
'Chips, chocolate, marshmallows,' he smirked.
I clapped my hands in excitement, I've missed marshmallows so much.
'We've not got further left..' Vic sighed.
I tugged on my hood, paranoid that everyone knew who we were.
I mean, we are in the news..
I hadn't been in an airport for years and years so this was all weird to me.
Or maybe I had..
I mean, they had to get me from Michigan to New York one way.
I stood there in thought for a second before Vic nudged me, sending me back to reality.
'When's our flight?' I asked.
'Thirty minutes, we should start queueing now.' He said.
I nodded and followed him to the terminal.
All we had to do was get Mike, go back to the airport and fly to Ireland..
Maybe the news hadn't even spread to San Diego yet.
The queue started to move and my heart leapt in excitement.
I grabbed Vics hand and squeezed it.
He gave me one of his adoring smiles and kissed my nose.
I squeaked in happiness and grinned, feeling like a Cheshire Cat.
'Soon this will all be over, we can live a normal life kells.' Vic murmured.
I starred at my boyfriend, hope glistened in his eyes, a small smile tugging on the corner of his lips.
Finally, we could be free.
Brendon tapped my shoulder, breaking the contact with Vic.
I turned towards him and nodded, confused at his cautious facial expression.
He leant in, 'Is it me or does everyone look oddly suspicious?' He mumbled in my ear.
I looked around, frowning.
But then I got what he meant.
The man on the bench, every few seconds would gaze up to look at us, speaking into his phone shortly after.
The woman with the screaming child, her eyes constantly watching us, before making eye contact with the man eating the chips, a small badge attached to his coat.
A badge with the exact same logo the prison had..
'Vic..' I muttered.
'Mm?' He hummed, completely clueless.
'We need to leave..' I started, 'Right now.'
'What?' He frowned.
Brendon yanked me by the arm, pushing past everyone to the front of the queue.
I grabbed Vics hand as he ran along with us in confusion.
The undercover officers abruptly got up and speed walked toward us.
'Oh shit!' Vic yelled.
Brendon was muttering every single curse word known to man whilst tugging on my sleeve, pulling me along.
One police officer grabbed Vics jacket, pulling him back.
Brendon kept dragging me.
'W-wait, wait for Vic!' I yelled.
'We don't have time.' He replied, yanking me back.
I turned around, stumbling over my legs as Brendon pulled me through the boarding gate, yelling threats at the woman in control.
'Wait for Vic!' I cried, pulling back.
Vic was being taken away by the officers, handcuffs clipped to his wrists.
'Stop fighting me Kellin!' Brendon yelled, grabbing me by the wrists.
'Vic!' I screeched, tears blurring my vision.
'We have to go!' Brendon said, pulling me up the path and onto the plane.
'No! No, no! We can't leave, I can't leave him.' I sobbed.
But Brendon ignored me, shoving me into the plane seats.
I rocked back and forth, crying and screaming.
A sharp slap hit my face, 'Shut up!' Brendon yelled, 'We've drawn enough unwanted attention to ourselves!'
I buried my head in my hands and sobbed quietly to myself.
'I-I'm sorry, Okay? We'll come back for Vic. If we're quick, I know where he'll be. We need to think about Mike. We've come this far, we can't give up now. Vic would want us to carry on and get mike. So that's what we'll do. We'll come back for Vic, kellin.' Brendon told me.
I carried on crying, tears spilling over my eyes, 'Listen to me!' Brendon yelled.
I hiccoughed and removed my hands from my face, showing my bloodshot eyes.
'If we want this to work, we have to be quick.' Brendon muttered.
'Vic will be counting on us..' He whispered.

No pressure huh?

Lmao I think this was the worst chapter so far😂
I've literally had no motivation to write but I thought I should prob update so, sorry for the lack of good writing I literally have no imagination or creativity rn 😂
So anywayyy, thanks for... 600? Reads I think..🤔
Anyway thanks for however many reads there are coz even though I can't remember how many there are it means a lot🖤😂
Hope you had/have a good dayyy
And I'll see y'all in the next chapterrrrree✌🏻
[Edit: it was 700 so thanks so much for that❤️]

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