Chapter 10

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Vic hasn't left my side since my 'breakdown'.
I guess it's nice. I mean, obviously generally having him around, but knowing he really cares...
I smiled to myself and squeezed Vic's hand.
'So...' he whispered.
'So..?' I replied.
'I was thinking.. after the other day, when you know.. I was just wondering if you'd be happier, if I'd be happier, if we left earlier..' Vic said.
My heart leapt, I was hoping he'd say this..
'How early?' I asked.
I smiled and jumped into his arms, 'Thank god. We can finally leave' I laughed.
'Yeah.' Vic smiled , hugging me tighter.
I zipped my backpack up and smiled to myself. I can finally leave..
I've only been here for slightly over a month but I'm already sick of this place.
I can't wait to get out of here.

I placed my bag in the corner, ready for later, and set off for lunch.
The lunch hall was busier than usual, there were new people here today.
They looked terrified, just like I was when I first got here, so I walked over to them and introduced myself.
'Hiya, I'm Kellin.' I smiled.
They all waved shyly, and shuffled awkwardly.
'I'm...ruby.' One of them whispered.
'I'm Gerard and this is my boyfriend frank.' One of them smiled.
I smiled at them and beckoned for them to follow me.
'I know, it's rank, and I'd be lying if I said you'd get used to it, but this is where the food is, so.. yeah, fill your plates and try not to taste it.. just chew and swallow. I'll find Alex, he's been here for the second longest, so he knows what he's doing more than me.' I laughed.
'Whose been here the longest?' Someone asked.
I leant in and whispered, 'My boyfriend. He's not very sociable.'
They all smiled and nodded, 'So this is like a crappy gay bar?' One of them said.
I laughed and nodded, 'I guess you could say that.'
Vic walked over to me, looked around to see if any guards were watching and gave me a quick peck on the lips.
I blushed and smiled at him.
'Is this your boyfriend?' Frank asked.
I nodded proudly and grinned at Vic, who smirked at me.
'Yep, and I'll probably get into a lot of trouble if I keep seeing your sexy ass in here because I can't help but kiss you.' He muttered.
I giggled and nudged him with my shoulder.
'How long have you been here?' Ruby asked.
Vic shrugged, 'About five years.'
All the newbies looked around at eachother and started whispering.
'Eh, if you keep your hands of eachother you'll be out of here in a flash.' Vic grinned.
'I haven't heard anything about being released yet.' I said, raising an eyebrow at him.
'Don't crush their dreams kells.'
I rolled my eyes, 'False hope.'
He shrugged and dragged me over to his table, and handed me a juice carton.
God I can't wait to get out of here..


I knowww,
I know
It's frickin awful and short and urghh
But I'm just using it as a distraction from relapsing atm so that's why they're so crappy..
Ergh it's so frustrating..
Hope you have/had a good day❤️
See y'all next chapterrrr

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