Chapter 7

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I'd been going to the city with Vic for a week now and I think I know for sure I could never get bored of it. I could never get bored of him. Nothing's happened since we kissed for the first time.
Which sucks, but I'll give him time.
Unless, of course, he doesn't want to be with me..

Vic gave me a nudge, 'You alright?'
I smiled and nodded.
'You're nervous to see your parents, aren't you?' Vic sighed.
I shrugged, 'I guess.'
'It'll be fine.' He smiled, giving me a small hug.

'Visiting starts now!' The speaker voice echoed through out the corridors.
My stomach flipped and without thinking, I grabbed Vic's hand.
'Hey, chill.' He whispered, giving me one of his beautiful smiles that made my legs turn to jelly.
'Come on.' He smiled.
I smiled back and followed him down the corridor and into a queue.
The doors opened and one of the guards spoke,
'Alright fags, you have 15 minutes okay?'
We all nodded and some cursed at him.
The shorter the line got, the more nervous I got, until I was walking through the doors.

I immediately spotted my dad, but my mom wasn't there.
I frowned and hesitantly walked over to him, sitting in the chair.
'Hey son.' My dad smiled, sadly.
'Hello.' I mumbled.
'Look, I'm s-' I cut him off, 'Where's mom?' I asked.
'Where is she?' I snapped.
My dad sighed and shook his head, 'She said she couldn't face the guilt of seeing you.' He shrugged.
I laughed dryly and got up to leave, but felt his hand grab my arm,'Please, son.'
I gritted my teeth and sat back down, 'What.'
'I'm sorry,son, I really am. I've missed you so much, but I care about you. Which Is why you have to get better.'
I scoffed, 'Go to hell.'
I got up and stormed out the room, ignoring my dads calls to come back.
Tears blurred my eyes but in that moment, it didn't matter.
I was sick of him.
I was sick of everyone.

I gave Kellin one last smile before I scanned the room for my brother.
I couldn't see him until I saw, right at the back, the boy I knew to be Mike.
My breath caught in my throat as I ran over to him and jumped in my arms.

'Mikey.' I sobbed.
He stroked the back of my head and hushed me until I calmed down.
He always used to do this after Dad had gotten angry with me.
He was good at that.
I wiped my eyes and smiled, 'I'm meant to be the one doing that, I'm your older brother.' I laughed.
Mike chuckled slightly and sat back in his chair.
'Do you think you're gunna get out anytime soon? I miss you like crazy.' Mike said.
I shrugged and looked down.
'I don't know. How's home? Dad isn't hurting you is he?' I asked.
Mike shook his head and smiled, 'Nope.'
I breathed a sigh of relief and nodded, 'Thank god.'
Mike nodded.
'But, I, uh I have something to tell you.' He said.
'Yeah, sure.' I said.
Mike leant forward to my ear but before he could say anything we got interrupted, 'Hey! No whispering!' One of the guards barked.
I rolled my eyes and leant back.
I waited till the guard had walked off before leaning back in a bit.
'What is it?' I said in a hushed voice.
Mike looked around before leaning forward, 'I think.. I think I'm gay too.' He whispered.
My eyes widened, 'You can't tell dad. You can't tell anyone, do you understand me?' I spoke quickly.
He nodded as his eyes watered with tears.
'Hey, hey don't be upset. In a year you can leave home and everything will be okay.' I whispered.
He sniffed and nodded, 'I know, I'm just scared.'
'I know Mikey, I know. But you can't
tell Dad okay?' I said.
Mike nodded and shifted in his chair.
'Mike. I'm being serious, he'll hurt you. He tried to kill me!' I hissed.
'I know! I know, I'm not going to tell him.' Mike whisper - yelled.
'So why do you look so shifty?' I asked.
'I-I don't..' He stuttered.
That gave everything away.
'Mike.' I said.
He rolled his eyes and sighed, 'I think he already suspects. He keeps talking about how it's a sin and everything.'

'Why do you think he suspects though?' I frowned.
'I keep having this boy round, and we're very close and he's getting suspicious.' Mike shrugged.
'Is this boy your boyfriend?' I asked.
Mike shrugged, 'It's complicated.'
I nodded, 'Wha-' I got interrupted by a bell,
'All prisoners go back to their cells.'

I gave mike a desperate look, 'Whatever you do, don't let dad find out, he'd hurt you, he'd probably kill you, please Mike.' I begged.
'I won't I swear.' He promised.
I nodded and wrapped my arms around him.
'Hopefully next time I see you I'll be out of here.' I whispered.
'Come on Fuentes.' A guard said.
'Bye Mike.' I sobbed.
It's always emotional leaving him, but somehow, this seems worse.
'Bye Vic, I promise.' He said, his eyes overflowing with tears.
I turned my back and didn't look back until I had left the room and he was gone.

I lay on my bed and waited for Kellin.
Where was he?
The bathroom door clicked and Kellin walked out, tear streaks down his face and bloodshot eyes.
'Hey, hey what's wrong?' I asked.
Another tear slipped down kellins face, 'Nothing.' He said, giving me a small smile.
'No, kells what is it?' I asked.
Kells? What the?
His cheeks tinted light pink and he shrugged, 'Nothing, my mom didn't turn up and my dad was generally being a dick so I left.. but I just miss them I guess, but at the same time I don't.. I don't know, it's hard to explain.' He whispered.
'No, I get it.' I replied, giving him a small smile.
He nodded and returned the smile.
'Wanna go out tonight? Like proper out? I'll take you round New York.' I asked.
'Won't we get spotted?' He asked.
I shook my head, 'nah, no one will know.' I smiled.
'Okay, sounds cool then.' Kellin grinned.
'Yay.' I cheered playfully.
Tonight I will tell him my plan..

Ciaoooo, just writing this to say thanks for 100 reads ❤️❤️
And omllll dead Walker Texas ranger got to over 3K reads so thankyou so so much AHH
Hope you all have/had a good day and I'll see y'all in the next chapter🙂

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