Chapter 14

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I pushed down on the accelerator, hard, speeding off into the distance, sending Kellin and Brendon flying back in their seats.
'What's wrong with a taxi?' Brendon yelled, trying to make his voice heard over the noise of the engine.
'It cost thirty dollars to get ten miles.. we don't have the money.' I muttered.
'So we're gunna go carjacking now?' Kellin said.
'It's not my fault someone's stupid enough to keep the doors unlocked and the keys in. Anyway, this cars good enough.' I snapped.
'Uhh.. you alright?' Kellin asked.
I looked at him and noticed the lace of concern on his face.
I gave him a small smile and loosened the grip on the steering wheel, 'Yeah, I just hope my brothers okay, that's all.'
'You're close with him right?' Kellin asked.
I nodded, 'Yeah, we are.'
Kellin gave me a small smile before my eyes returned back onto the road.
'Where are we?' Kellin asked.
'Nearly in Ohio..' I muttered.
'This is gunna take ages..' Brendon said.
I shook my head, 'We'll get a plane from Michigan to Arizona.'
'How will we get from Arizona to California?' Brendon said.
'Drive. Train. I don't know yet.'
They all nodded, Kellin sloped back in his seat and sighed.
'Music?' I asked.
He smiled and nodded, so I flicked through the station before finding a station that was playing Iron Maiden.
'Is this okay?' I asked.
But I got no reply.
I turned my head to see Kellin lip syncing and air guitaring to the song, before full on pelting out the lyrics,
I laughed at him and shook my head.
'What?' He laughed.
'Nothing, carry on.' I snickered.
He giggled and buried his face in his hands, 'I love this song so much.'
I smirked, 'I realised.'
God he's cute
I pulled up outside a small diner and sat in the car for a while, staring at it.
'How much money do you have guys?' I asked, noting that I only had $40 left.
'I have $35, I spent $10 on snacks the other day.' Kellin said.
I turned towards Brendon, 'Uh, I have..' He started, flicking through the notes.
'$60' He confirmed.
'Okay..' I said hesitantly.
'I guess we have enough for food, but we still need gas to get to Michigan.' I said.
Kellin nodded and pressed his lips gently to mine, making my mouth curved up into a smile.
'What was that for?' I giggled.
He shrugged, 'It's been a while since we've done that so..' He smiled sheepishly.
I stroked the side of his face with my thumb, getting lost in his green - blue eyes, that reminded me of a warm ocean.
'Okay, lets get some food before I throw up.' Brendon grumbled.
I smirked and tore my gaze away from Kellins eyes, opened the door and clambered out of the car.
'I can't wait to get out of the country, I hate this..' Kellin murmured.
'What do you mean?' I asked gently.
'I'm constantly waiting to see someone from the prison.. and that will be it. We'll be straight back there.' He whispered.
'I won't let that happen.' I told him.
'I promise Kells.'
He smiled and linked his hand with mine.
The diner looked half decent for one that was built on a highway, so I couldn't wait to get inside and eat till I couldn't anymore.
We'd finished the snacks a while ago and I get hungry easily, especially after having to live on crappy rations in the prison, I can finally eat actual food now.
I smiled at the thought of having a nice meal, which we haven't done since we left a few days ago.
'Hello boys, table for three?' The waitress asked.
I nodded and followed her as she lead us to our table.
We sat in the seats, breathing a sigh of relief as the soft leather cushioned our aching bodies.
I picked up a news paper and flicked through, finding an interesting article to read about, but really, they were all pretty boring.
I sighed and held the paper up reading an article about a lost dog.
It made me feel normal again, and I wanted to see what had happened since I'd last been let out.
I rolled my eyes, 'A dog's gone missing for a day and they write a bloody article abo-' I stopped when I saw Kellin staring at the back of the paper with wide eyes.
'W-what?' I stuttered, turning the paper over.
My heart leapt in my chest when I saw the headline,
3 boys escaped New York's prison of Homosexuality last week.
Followed by a picture of each one of us.
Brendon stood up quickly, 'We need to leave.'
He said quickly.

But it was too late.
The sound of sirens echoed up the highway..
I haven't published in a while so I thought I'd give y'all this crappy chapter lmao😂
Hope everyone had a good New Year, I'm hoping this year will be better than last year but who knows?😂
Hope you have/had a good day and I'll see y'all in the chapterrrrrr

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