Chapter 15

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The blue lights from the cop cars flashed around in the car park, as panic erupted throughout me.
'Shit!' I whisper yelled, grabbing Vic and yanking him out his seat and charging to the kitchen door, Brendon was quick to follow.
'I'm sorry gentlemen you can't come through here!' One of the waitresses yelled as we barged through the door and ran through the kitchen.
'We know you're in here!' A voice boomed throughout the diner.
I cursed loudly and kicked the back door open guiding Brendon and Vic through first, before running out myself.
But I wasn't going anywhere.
I turned around to see a cop holding onto my belt, 'Stay here sir.' He barked.
'Let go!' I screamed, swatting his hand away.
His grip tightened and I knew I could only do one thing.
'I'm sorry..' I muttered.
'Wha-' I brought my fist up and swung it at his face, feeling my knuckles smack him directly in the nose.
The cop stumbled backwards, so I took the opportunity to run, cursing again at the stinging in my hand.
'Kells hurry up!' Vic yelled, slowing down slightly to wait for me.
'We can't go to the car, we're just gunna have to run and hope.' Vic said breathlessly, as we ran as fast as our legs could take us.
We directed our running to the forest on the side of the highway, maybe we could lose the cops there.
I pressed on, running faster as I heard the sound of the cops boots hit the floor as they ran, not far behind us now.
'Quick!' Brendon yelled as we ran into the forest, trying to get lost in the trees.
The forest was dark and had large logs and spiky sticks everywhere.
'Down here!' Vic yelled, rolling down a steep hill that would inevitably lose us from the cops.
I followed Vic and jumped down, hearing Brendon fall too behind me.
The sticks tore at me skin, sending sharp pains rushing through my body.
I covered my face and squeezed my eyes tightly shut and waited for it to be over.
I could hear Vic cursing and yelling out at the pain until finally, I stopped rolling.
I removed my shaking hands from my face to see Vic and Brendon resting against a tree, breathing heavily.
They were covered in blood, and were shaking and whimpering.
I stood up but immediately regretted it as a strong pain shot through my leg.
'Argh!' I yelled out.
'Jesus Kells!' Vic yelled, running towards me.
I leant against a tree and let a sob escape my mouth as I looked down at my torn up leg.
'Sit down.' Vic whispered.
I did as he said and sloped down the tree my hands shakily reaching to see my injuries, but Vic swatted my hand away.
He inspected my leg and prodded at a cut, making blood spill out of it.
Everything stung and hurt.
My eyes overflowed with tears sending them spilling down my face, sending a searing pain through my cheek.
I guess there were cuts on my face.
'I have some baby wipes in my pocket, they'll do for now then we'll have to find a pharmacy.' Vic murmured, wiping the cuts with a baby wipe.
I gritted my teeth and tried to ignore the pain.
Vic looked at me with big sad eyes, 'I'm sorry darling..'
I shook my head, 'It's not your fault.'
'I suggested that we went down there.. I didn't know it would be that dangerous.' He muttered.
'If we didn't, we would probably be in the back of a cop car going back to the prison.' I said.
Vic gave me a small smile, 'I guess.'
'We're gunna have to stay here for a few days, the cops will suspect that we've gone into town or something. Once it dies down we'll find a new car and we'll leave for the airport, Okay?' Brendon said, limping towards us.
We nodded, groaning at the thought of having to stay here for a few days.
'I'll go find some sticks or whatever to build shelter.' Brendon muttered.
'Okay.' I whispered, barely audible.
'It will be alright.' Vic assured me, wiping a falling tear that I didn't even realise was there.
'I know.' I murmured.
He stroked through my hair and pressed his lips to mine.
'As long as I'm with you, I'll be okay.' I whispered.

Did I say thanks for 500 reads?? If I didn't then THANKS FOR 500 READS WOO❤️
Anywayyyy I hope yeh enjoyed this crappppppppppppy chapterr🙃😂
Hope you have/had a good day and I'll see y'all in the next chapterrrerrrrry😜

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