Chapter 12

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'It will actually work tonight.' Vic smiled.
'Yeah.' I said, chuckling lightly.
'Come on, hopefully this time it will be our last lunch here!' Vic joked.
I smiled and followed him through the door and into the canteen, where I picked up a tray and slowly walked over to the food station, Hoping that this time, for definite, it will be the last time doing this...
'Jesus christ.' I muttered to myself.
'Are there a lot?' Vic asked.
I stared at the amount of guards around the gates, obviously they didn't want last nights events to repeat themselves.
'Yeah,' I replied, 'I guess they don't want anyone else to sue them.'
'The family sued?' Vic asked, shocked.
'I think so.' I said.
We walked back to the cell, trying to figure out how we were going to get out tonight.
'Did you find out who it was?' I asked.
'What?' Vic asked.
'Last night, who hanged themselves?' I asked.
Vic sighed, 'One of the newbies, I think they were called Ryan or something. The guards found out he was dating Brendon, he's been here a few years, so they were gunna keep him here longer..' Vic paused before shrugging, 'I don't know, that's what I heard anyway.'
'Poor kid.' I mumbled.
Vic nodded, 'Poor Brendon. He really liked him.'
'He definitely died right?' I asked.
'I think so.'
My heart ached for the two of them, I couldn't imagine what Brendon must be going through right now.
Right on cue, I heard yelling.
'You can't keep me here! You saw what it did to him! You're murderers, you caused his death!'
Brendon's yelling echoed throughout the building, before the door opened, and he stormed out, slamming it behind him.
His eyes were puffy and bloodshot.
He looked at us for a few seconds before walking off, turning a corner.
I looked at Vic and gave him a sad smile.
'It sucks doesn't it?' He asked.
I nodded, 'Yeah, maybe one day we'll live in a world where sex, gender, race, and all that doesn't matter, where we can just be accepted for who we are. Why is that too much to ask Viccy?' I whispered.
'I don't know Kells, I don't know...'
'I'm scared..' I whispered.
'It will be okay Kells, just stick with me.' Vic replied.
I swung my backpack over my shoulder and lifted my hood up.
We scurried down the corridor, avoiding any bright lights.
The door outside was close, and we hadn't run into any guards yet.
'Hey! What are you doing?' Someone whispered, making Vic and I immediately stop.
I whipped around, to see a shadow figure of someone standing in the corridor.
'W-we were just walking... around.?' I stuttered.
'With a backpack?' The person chuckled.
They stepped into the light, revealing who they were.
It was Brendon.
'Brendon? Jesus, please don't tell anyone. W-we need to leave, please, I've been here for years.' Vic begged.
'I won't.' He said simply.
I heard Vic breathe a sigh of relief.
'If you take me with you.' Brendon said.
'W-what?' I asked.
'I know I haven't been here as long as Vic but I've been here for a few years and I-I just lost Ryan and he wasn't here for that long but now everything just reminds me of him.. and I just can't stay here. Please? I know how to get out of here.' He begged.
'So do I.' Vic said.
'Vic..' I muttered.
'The more people we have, the more likely we are to get caught.' Vic muttered.
'Please Vic..' I whispered.
Vic frowned at me, then rolled his eyes, 'Sure, okay whatever.'

'I can go with you guys?' Brendon asked hopefully.
'If we can actually get through these goddamn guard.' Vic muttered.
I smiled and pecked his cheek,'Thankyou.'
He gave me a small smile and took my hand, leading me out the door.
'Shit there are a lot.' Vic muttered.
'We should just make a run for it.' Brendon said.
'Are you crazy!' I whispered harshly.
'He's right Kells.. it's our only option.' Vic murmured.
I sighed, then nodded in agreement, 'alright..'
'Okay, three, two, one....' Vic counted down, before we sprinted to the gates, not looking back to see if the guards have seen us.
We didn't have time to use the tree so we gave each other a leg up, before hoisting ourselves up and over the gate.
'Quick, don't stop running till I say okay?' Vic panted, sprinting beside me.
My heart was pounding in my chest, and my legs were going to fast for my small body to handle but the adrenaline of the whole situation made me forget about all of that.
I turned around for a quick second, before turning back around, trying not to lose my balance.
I don't think anyone was following us but I wouldn't take the chance.
'Stop!' Vic yelled, after what seemed like ages of running. He winced and clutched his side.
We all came to a stop, leaning against a random building to catch our breathe.
The cold air suddenly hit me, shocking my body.
'It must be winter huh?' I asked.
Vic nodded, 'Yeah, it's f-freezing.' He stuttered.
'Excuse me?' He asked a random passer by.
'What's the day?'
'Twenty-third of December!' The stranger said, in a cheery voice.
'It's nearly Christmas!' Vic smiled.
'Yeah, that's nice and all that but we might want to stop talking to strangers..' Brendon said.
'Oh.. oh yeah, sorry.' Vic said.
Brendon smiled and shrugged, 'Let's get out of here.'

We walked off through a massive park, as snow drifted down from the sky and gently settled on the floor..
God, it feels great to be free again.

Ciaooo, so this fic is near 400 reads sooo wooo, can we get there for Christmas? I know it might be a lot to ask for this fanfiction in two days but it would be great if it did :))
Anyway, thanks for reading
Hope you had/have a good day and I'll see y'all in the next chapter🙂

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