Chapter 3

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The sounds of cutlery scraping plates and chairs moving echoed around the canteen.
I shifted uncomfortable and prodded my food that was laid out onto a plastic tray.
'Yeah, I know, it tastes worse than school food but you'll get used to it.' Alex laughed.

I sighed and gave in, putting the mushed up substance in my mouth and scrunching my nose up.

'Where are they?' Alex muttered, looking around.

On cue, three people burst through the door.
'Alex!' One of them called.
Alex smirked, 'There they are.'
'Alex, guess who Fuentes shagged this week?' The guy said, heavily breathing after running half way across the canteen.
'Who?' Alex asked.
'Preciado.' The guy said, sitting down.
'As in Jaime Preciado?' Alex gasped.
'Yep.' One of the other guys said.
'Jeez.' Alex said, shocked.

'Oh, sorry. Guys this is Kellin.' Alex smiled, introducing me to the three boys.
'Hi.' I said sheepishly.
'Hi, I'm jack.' The middle one said. He had dark hair with a red streak through the middle and a bit of stubble on his chin.
'Zack.' The over one said.
I smiled and nodded.
'Rian.' The last one said.
'Hi.' I said.
'I've heard you're in the same cell as Fuentes?' Jack smirked.
I nodded.
'Hold on to your pants mate.' Zack joked.
I laughed slightly but couldn't help but feel a bit bad for vic, especially if the rumours aren't true.
'Kellin will hang out with us till he either finds new friends, leaves or he decides that we're just so awesome he has to stay with us.' Alex grinned.
I laughed slightly and put another fork full of mush in my mouth, and managed to swallow it without gagging..
I groaned and clutched my stomach, rolling around on the hard bed.
'Forgot to warn you, the food tastes like shit.' Vic smirked.
I groaned again and sat up, resting my back against the wall.
'Who did you sit with at lunch?' Vic asked.
'Alex and his friends.' I shrugged.
Vic snickered and nodded, 'What gossip did they spill to you then?'

I sat in silence for a second then shrugged.
'Wow, no gossip?' Vic asked.
'Well.. there's a rumour that you fucked Jaime Preciado.' I stated.
Vic chuckled to himself, 'Jaime eh? Do you believe it?'
I thought for a moment, 'No...'
'Good, it's not true.' He said.

I nodded.
'Why are there so many rumours about you then?' I asked.
'Coz I've been here for so long. Everyone thinks it's because I go round fucking all the boys.' He laughed.
'Why have you been here for so long then?' I asked.
His smile faded as he shrugged.
It was obvious he didn't want to talk about it so I dropped the subject, 'So how come there's no rumours about Alex?' I asked.
Vic's smile came back, making me smile, 'Oh there are, but those rumours are true.' He laughed.
'Oh..' I smirked.

'Most people here treat this place like a gay club but with no music and shitty food to be honest.' Vic chuckled.

He walked over to his cupboard and took out a new shirt, 'We've got therapy in half an hour, you might wanna get changed.'
'Therapy?' I asked.
He laughed, 'Well, they think there's something wrong with us so they're gunna try and change us aren't they?'
'Oh god.' I whined.
He laughed again and stripped his shirt off, showing his tanned and muscled chest.
He had more muscles than I thought, I guess they were all hidden under his shirt. As I looked closer I could see bruises and scars, I frowned and tried to focus my eyes on them.
'Um Kellin?' Vic said.
I snapped out of it and looked at him, ' Uh, yeah?'
'You were staring.' He smirked.
I rolled my eyes, 'I wasn't.'
I stepped forward, 'How did you get all of these?' I asked running my fingers over the bruises and scars on his torso.
'Let's just say my dad wasn't very accepting..' He muttered, pulling the fresh tshirt over his head.
'Oh..' I whispered.
He shrugged and tugged the shirt down.
'What about these, they're done on purpose?' I asked, looking at the faint white lines on his wrist.
He frowned, 'It's in the past now.'
I blinked away the tears in my eyes and nodded, 'Why did you do it?' I asked.
He shrugged, 'That's a story for another day, come on, get changed. You don't wanna be late for your first session of therapy. Wouldn't want to miss out on all the fun!' He laughed sarcastically.

I smiled and nodded, wiping the tears in my eyes away.
Self harm was a sensitive subject to me, it's bad enough seeing the marks on me, but it's worse seeing them on someone else...

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