Merry Christmas~

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Hi everybody!

Second admin here wishing you a Merry Christmas to you all on behalf of the main author~

But then again, there are ppl who don't celebrate Christmas (which includes me, but we still exchange present, things like that) so: HAPPY HOLIDAYS FAM~~~

I was planning to have Christmas chapter, but with my house getting fixed up and the overall stress of the situation kinda took me over...

And it sucks cuz all of this is happening right before Christmas, but whatever... I can't really do anything :/

I feel useless to the situation -_-

But then again, this is a happy chapter, not a chapter for the second admin to mope about her situation so... 

Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas!

Happy Kwanzaa!

Happy Hanukkah!

(sorry if I forgot yours... I'm not really educated in world religion... sowwy :'})




Aish, idk what to write now...

umm... I guess I could write a short smth...

with........................ sEOKJINNIE! YEA!

and it'll be about... uhhhhh... idk smth to do with cooking... yea

anyways here we go: sorry in advance if it's sht

Seokjin: My Holidays Are Only 'Happy' With You

Unlike your usual Christmas's/whatever holiday you celebrate at this time, you would be alone. Your boyfriend, Seokjin, was on tour and wouldn't be home for the holidays, which sucks because that means you wouldn't get any of his high-quality cooking.

That was the best part of the holidays, his food. Your stomach grumbled thinking about it even though you were shoving your face with popcorn in front of the TV anyway. You sighed. Popcorn is probably not what I need to stifle my aching hunger, you thought.

There was another reason why you were grateful for Seokjin's cooking: you couldn't cook for shit (A/N: IDK about you, but I cannot step foot in a kitchen). So you were stuck with leftover ramyun from yesterday, yuck.

You grabbed the ramyun nevertheless and moped on the couch, the TV blaring in front of you.

At some point of your moping of misery session, you fell asleep, and when you awoke, a sweet aroma filled the air. At first, you thought you were hallucinating, but as the aroma got stronger, you pounced from the couch. Who tf is in my house?

Carefully walking to the kitchen armed only with ramyun chopsticks, your heart rate sped up at the possibility that...

"SEOKJIN!" You yelled in surprise. "What are you doing here?!" You didn't let him answer as you pounced to embrace him. He embraced you with equal strength.

"I missed you so much that I begged manager-nim to let me see you for the holidays," he whispered into your neck.

You shivered slightly and lightly hit him on the chest, "And when did you do that? You led me to believe I would have a horrible holiday season without you, pabo." 

He laughed at your cuteness and kissed your nose, "So you were prepared to have very unhappy holidays?"

You pouted in cuteness and said, "Yes, while you would be out with the guys having the time of your life."

He chuckled once more, "Don't worry, my holidays are only 'happy' with you, and only you."


Ya know what? I'm so bad at sentimental shit oml

Bye anyways~

Enjoy your holidays, converse with your family, and eat!

Love chu, BM (fRoM kArD) or beachymin

Ayyy, by the way, any of you guys know some good anime I could watch? I just finished my main...

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