Jimin(iepabo) x Min Suga(r)

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It's inevitable, the pain. It will always be there, through thick and thin, forever and now. But she didn't mind, she was immune to it. The scars were there to show.

At age 13, her parents left her, kicking her and her twin out of the car, and never coming back.

At age 17, her sister left her, finding herself a nice boyfriend who cared for her. Good for her.

And now at age of 25, her Jiminiepabo was asking her to marry him. 

Her heart throbbed as she accepted because Yoongi was boring holes in her back, and Jimin was kissing her.

What had she done?

||| Time Skip 3 years back|||

"Y/n," you heard Jimin screech loudly it scared off the birds you were feeding.

You were currently at a park and was previously peacefully feeding birds until your loud ass friend Jimin interrupted.

You pressed your lips tightly together as he reached you and panted to catch his breath, placing his hands on his knees.

"I... di-dn't kn...ow you wou-ld be... here," his broken language skills made you chuckle as you said, "That was my plan, so no one could find me."

Jimin frowned, "Why would you want that? Nobody wants to be alone Y/n, I told you this before."

"I do," you whispered silently.

He frowned even deeper and hugged you close, "I know you're feeling a bit down, but it'll be ok Y/n, you'll get over him like he's nothing to-"

"But he was something Jimin! He was my everything! And then one day he suddenly wants to break up, like wtf?" He rubbed your back as you vented out your anger for the zillionth time.

It's been a week since Yoongi broke up with you, and you still haven't got over him. Part of it was because you didn't know why, and another part was that you actually liked the jerk, but apparently, first loves are jerks according to Jimin. How he knows is like asking Yoongi why he broke up with you, both of them don't know why which was pretty stupid, but whatever.

You sat there with Jimin awhile, until you checked your watch.


You sighed and wriggled out of Jimin's grasp, "It's late Jimin, so I'll be going first."

He nodded slowly before also getting up, "I'll walk you hom-"

"Jimin I'll be fine on my own," you pleaded, but he didn't listen to you.

"You yourself said it was late. Who knows what creeps lurk out there, ya know?" you sighed in defeat and he silently walked you home.

There was an awkward aura around you both that you didn't like, but before you could confront him, you arrived at your living quarters and scurried towards it as he gave you a nod and walked off.

Weird, you thought, he usually waits for me to get inside and then leaves. Oh well, you shrugged like it wasn't a big deal... because it wasn't it.

Jimin didn't really matter to you. Honestly some days you just wanted him to shut up or go away, but neither of those things would happen and you'd end up with a headache at the end of the day.

Ach, Jiminiepabo.


You and Yoongi started dating when you were working at a coffee shop. You were 20 back then and quite sad, in fact, the only one in your friend group without a boyfriend. You hated it, hated being left out, but everything would change that fateful day. (A/N: Sorry that was cheezy, but I had to ;D)

A man about a few years older than you approached the counter, and you pelted the washcloth you were wiping the counter with on the opposite of the counter with a wet 'slap'.

He faced you and blandly put in his order, an iced caramel macchiato.

You then added his order to the long list you had ahead of you.

After about 15 minutes, you had finally gotten to his order, and he walked back up to you with warmer eyes. You furrowed your brows but handed him his macchiato anyway.

"You should work less hard," he said softly. You widened your eyes a bit at his comment and put your head down while you blushed madly.

This was how your life changed.

A simple comment made by a hot guy named Min Yoongi.


Ayo ladies and gentlemen, it's BM (fRoM kArD lMaO)

I've decided to make a mini 3 part series with this, so I hope you'll stay tuned :3

Also, please keep in mind that I am human, and due to my flunking grades (not really, but ya know), I have no choice but to study for my final exams... which are next week, so I don't really know when I'll update next, but you never know with me, since I seem to follow a wacka do updating schedule lol, but I promise it'll be soon.


Thank you all so much for getting this book up to #64 in Random, the author and I are dumbstruck, and are extremely grateful!

Please message her and tell her how much of an amazing author she is! She deserves the world for all that she does for Y'all and feels super happy that you all support her so great job~

She regularly checks her message board so if you want to congratulate her in an even larger way, comment a big shout out instead of pm-ing her :')

(And all though she's convinced I'm the one that helped her get up to that achievement, the majority is based on what she did, so make sure you mention that lol)

Thanks again, 



I was displaced by a hurricane when the album came out, so it's been my last priority to purchase the album, and I listen to it on YouTube anyway, but she actually got me a physical copy...

I love you so much @hyperLeap :')

Ok, now bye,

Kim- I mean BM ;)

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