Hoseok <Envy>

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You've only ever envied your parents.

The way they looked at each other, laughed with each other, loved each other.

It was something you've always wanted; a relationship just like that.

But their love didn't last long. They divorced the summer before high school and you were torn between which parent to stay with, so you constantly went back and forth like tug of war.

Your parents decided to have a mutual divorce. In fact, if they would have put the same amount of effort in their marriage that they put into their divorce, they would still be together.

You hoped that wouldn't happen to you.

Senior year of high school, you found what you thought was the love of your life.

Hoseok was a sunshine that no cloud could hide, so precious you never wanted to be away from him.

Everything you did together was a memory of your unconditional love. Taking care of each other while the other was sick, going out on dates, watching movies on the couch with him, but most of all, just being near him.

His other friends also grew close to you. BTS considered you their sister, except for Hoseok who was your boyfriend, and were fiercely protective of you, but would they have the courage to protect you from one of their own members?

After 6 months of a steady relationship, you all hit the bumps in the road, just like your parents.

Both of you would come home and just... fight. Like cat and dog. Like heaven and hell.

But no matter what words he spouted, you still loved him.

It pained you because you really didn't want to split up, but the more and more the sunshine left his face, the more and more you realized it was for someone else.

But you still loved him.

His popularity had gotten to him and he had found another girl. It was obviously someone better just looking at her body, but would she take care of him, would she treat him right?

Even though Hoseok as cheating on you, you still cared, you still worried.

But never in your life have you had such great envy.

Unconditional love has no boundaries, and because of this, we often get hurt easily.

But what can we do?

We can only fall in love and hope to be caught.



Author note:

Yea I know, it was pretty crap, but I'll post a better one tonight, I promise, request are open for me, so please private message my main account: beachymin


Seeya around~☆

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BM or beachymin

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