A Christmas Argument

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Requested: @hallo180777e8e8887o

It was Christmas Eve.

Just the day before Christmas and what anyone had expected of the Fullbuster's household to be filled with was the complete opposite as to what was actually happening, there.

A crash was unexpectedly heard in the house. Shouts and more crashes were soon heard.

It wasn't until...

The once loud household was reduced to silence when certain word's were unexpectedly drew from the raven.

They froze.

The house was almost deafening to his ears, as guilt and regret instantly slammed into the raven haired male.

Eyes that were previously clouded with intense anger was immediately filled with great shock and disbelief.

He couldn't believe he just said that.

His pale complexion only grew paler.

Oh, god...

What had he just said.

He hesitantly and nervously looked into the other's eyes and suddenly flinched, harshly.

He breathed out shakily.

He could easily see the immense hurt and betrayal within those teary eyes.
It pained to see such a heartbreaking look within the younger male's face.

That look shouldn't be on that face.
The other should be happy, instead.

He was about to open his mouth and apologize towards the other, when the rosette suddenly fled from the kitchen and ran towards the stairs.

The raven haired man jumped from the loud slam that the bedroom door had made from behind the youngest.

Gray stood frozen on his spot. His limps were feeling too numb to move. His body wouldn't listen to him, when he'd demanded it to ran to the other.

From the thin and silent walls, Gray could easily hear the heartbreaking sobs coming from his younger lover.

Gray didn't know if he was allowed to call the rosette that. Not, when what he had said was treachery and cruel.

He knew he had crossed a line, there.

He hanged his head as tears trailed down his pained face. He shouldn't be feeling remorse; especially, not after what he had said towards the other.

He should be feeling nothing but pain.

He was such a big fat idiot for letting his anger... His emotions get the best of him. In doing so, he had hurt Natsu.

His boyfriend for two loving years, and his best friend for eight long and very, very adventures years. (And counting... Hopefully, he'd thought.)

How could he have said such a thing?

What the hell was wrong with him, for him to have said such cruel words?

How could he have done that to him?

More tears trailed down his face. He clenched his fist, too, tightly; almost piercing his skin and seeking blood.

He regretted it.

He regretted saying those words.

He regretted, ever, hurting Natsu.

He regretted destroying their home.

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