Chapter 40 - A Fateful End

Start from the beginning

“Ill be back Maggie. Got to tell mum.” He said and began to run. He heard whining behind him. Maggie was struggling to follow him.

“No just stay here girl. Ill be back. Just don’t die on me.” George put his hand in the air and pointed at her. Then he shot off towards his house.

“Mum! Paul’s been kidnapped again! And we need to get Maggie now!” George shouted when he entered the house.

“What?” Mrs. Williams hurried out of her bedroom.

“Paul is kidnapped and Maggie got shot. But she’s still alive! She’s in that field.”

“Alright come on.” She grabbed her keys and they drove to the field. Maggie was put in the car and driven to the vet. George called the police to tell them about Paul.

“How’s Mags?” George asked.

“She’ll live.” Their mum said and put her arm around George.

“The police said they’d keep a look out.”

“I have a bad feeling about this. We may never see him again.”


“George these people are wanting to kill you. They’re wanting to stop this band.”

“Why don’t we just stop it? I don’t want Paul to die.”

“I know, hon, it’ll be okay.”

Her mobile phone rang and she answered it. It was Marin.

“They got John also.”

“But John just had surgery!”

“It’ll just make things easier for them.” Mrs. Williams put presser on the break.


            Paul was laying on a table, or what seemed like one. He was in a room, which was barred. He looked for John, who wasn’t anywhere. Why hadn’t they killed him? Where they killing John already? Besides it was John’s family who was doing this. Family minus his mum. He heard footsteps and looked at the door. Some one was struggling in the man’s arms. It was a girl. She was wearing some uniform, which Paul hadn’t seen before. A new police uniform? They put her in the cells next to her. Some one else entered from another door.

“Yeah found her snooping around. What should I do to her?”

“Just leave her till we do something with these two.” The man, who had just entered, replied. “My dad wants Paul now.”

“Yes sir.” The man said and unlocked Paul’s door. He grabbed him and pulled him outside. He was taken out through the door into a white laboratory, looked almost like the one in the movie HELP!, which he had watched with his sister. There was a big machine, with two doors. John was tied up in a chair next to it.

“Well I have both of you here now.” John’s father clapped and helped tie up Paul, next to John. John looked very pale and he was breathing heavily.

“Now to explain myself.”

“Why can't you just leave us alone? Wouldn’t you rather live then die?” Paul asked.

“No. I’d rather gain money. Which this lovely lady is providing.” He put his arms around Yoko Ono.

Paul snarled and looked at John, who was just looking at the ground. He wasn’t sure if John was okay from his father or not finishing his surgery. Maybe his father said something to him.

The doors suddenly burst open. “Alright now hands up in the air!” The girl who was in the cell earlier was now holding a gun at the others.

“Why didn’t you take her gun away?” He looked at Gene. Gene shrugged.

“Didn’t think she had one.”

His father made a move to slap him but the girl told him not to move. She began to walk but then was over powered by another man who approached her from behind. He twisted her arm back and she dropped the gun. She gasped as the man twisted it more, then screamed.

“Tie her up. She’ll be used too.”

“Used for what?” Paul asked.

“That machine.” Mr. Lennon pointed at the machine.

“What is it?”

“That’s what I plain to explain.” He said and sat down. “Now, before we do this there is some precautions he must make. Have you eaten recently.”

“Yyes.” Paul nodded slowly. “But I don’t think John has.”

“Gene feed him.”

“Dad I think he’s about had it.”

“What do you mean?”

“He’s dying on us.”

“What? He can't!”

“But it would be natural death.”

“No it wont.”

“It could.”

“Don’t let him die, please?” Paul pleaded.

“What about you girl?”

“I’ve eaten.” She breathed.

“Good. Now instead of being called murderers and this could be easier to get out of I have created a machine. A machine that I have no idea if it works. If it fails you die, if it works then you get your memory swiped and your height.”

“Huh?” The girl frowned.

“You’ll have fun don’t worry.”

“Listen you still will be caught.” She hissed.

“No I don’t think so.”

“What makes you so sure?”

She didn’t get a reply. “First John. Members of the family always go first.” He opened the door and John was put inside. “Now he is next. Them two first.”

“Yoko can you start the machine?” He asked the Japanese girl. She nodded and walked over to the dials on the side.

The girl in uniform watched closely. The machine turned on it shook violently and then once it was turned off, the doors were opened and smoke sprawled out. She began to cough and tried not to breath as the fumes reached her nose. John’s father and Yoko walked in then came out with a bundle of clothing each. She stared blankly at the sight. The machine had malfunctioned. The two lads were now dead. She swallowed hard but fainted, for she had forgotten about the fumes from the smoke.



Well, this story doesn't end here! Next chapter coming right up! Wonder what happened? What is coming in the next chapter? A funeral? Hm...

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