Day 4: Cold

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The short version? It's cold. No, actually... It's freezing.

And so are you, even under the covers, between four very thick walls, with a very warm set of pajamas.

There's only option left. It's mean and it can compromise your relationship, but you gotta do it.

You wrap yourself around Bucky and practically moans as his warmth seeps through your skin.

"Gaaah," he hisses, waking up from your ice-cold feet on his sheens. "Jesus, [Y/n], warn a guy."

"You were sleeping. I'm freezing, you're warm. Hug me."

He follows said instructions without hesitating, his strong arms involving your frozen figure. Even his metal arm is warmed up by his body. Oh, the perks of dating someone hot – in both senses of the word. You slip your hand between his shirt and his skin, marveling in the regained feeling of your palms as soon as they touch Bucky's back.

"Your hands are freezing!" Though he sounds mad, his hands start rubbing your back, trying to come up with warmth by friction.

"It's cold," you explain sleepily. "But your help is very much appreciated. Thank you, Bucky."

You nuzzle his chest and he kisses your forehead fondly, resting his cheek on top of your head.

"Always, doll."

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