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Request: can i ask for a jealous husband!bucky in the 40s where he's insecure bc unlike other rich men he couldn't give you everything ?  


It was brief, but still there. Bucky had looked at you with sad eyes for a moment before swiftly changing into an adoration look again.

"What is it?" you asked, concerned.

"What is what?" your husband smirked, his steel eyes not quite crinkling like they usual did.

"What were you thinking?" you asked, pecking his cheek. As he was leaning against the counter of your small apartment's kitchen, it was easier.

"Nothing, doll, really," he said, but his voice trembled.

"Bucky, I know you. What is it?"

He sighed and dropped his eyes to the floor. Bucky looked at you again when he spoke, "Do you regret marrying me?"

You were surprised by his question. "Why would I?"

"Because I can't give you jewelry," Bucky touched your earrings, the ones that were a present from your mother, "Or expensive clothing, or even a big house that you could brag about," he motioned around, as if exemplifying it by pointing at the apartment in general. "I'm sorry I can't give you anything you want, [Y/n]."

"Bucky," you said gently, "I don't care about jewelry or clothing." Your hand touched his cheek, bringing his head up so you could see lock your eyes with him. The sadness in his beautiful orbs made your heart clench. "I can always brag about our house, because it's our house," you grinned and motioned for the house. The spark in your eyes made him happy. "I love this life. I love you and I would've married you regardless of anything else in the entire world." You smiled at him, warmly and truly, leaning closer to him, "I have everything just by having you," you whispered.

He had tears in his eyes by the time you finished and his voice trembled due to emotion when he spoke again, before kissing you passionately.

"I love you so much."

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