The new beginning

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"There are three rules you must follow if you will be in the custody of UA." The courtroom fell silent as the judge's low voice echoed off the walls.

You look coldly into the eyes of the judge before you as you feel the piercing gaze of the courtroom including All Might, Nezu, and Aizawa burn into you.

"1. You will not discuss your quirk unless an adult tells you otherwise."

"2. You will have no contact with your brother if he is to contact you."

"3. You will not discuss your brother or your past life with anyone unless told otherwise."

"These are the terms you will live by from this day on till graduation. Break any of these rules and death will be knocking down your door. Do I make myself clear (L/n) (F/n)?"

"Yes sir," You answered coldly, ignoring eye contact with the judge.

"Then it's decided." The judge's voice echoed through the courtroom as he slammed down the mallet against the panel.

You walked out of the courtroom barely able to move from the numbness you feel inside as you walked the way to your apartment and get ready to start your first day of school.

__In the Morning__

It was your first day at UA under a "recommendation". You are filled with nerves about your quirk and the other students finding out about it. You just wanted to get through the semester without making a scene or being noticed. Easy. Right?

You are under the watch of the great All Might as well as the Headmaster Nezu and your homeroom teacher, Aizawa Shouta. The other heroes believe you're a ticking time bomb just waiting to bring destruction on the school with not only your quirk but the connections you have as well. All Might, Nezu and Aizawa are the only ones that stood by you after the "incident."


You walk to the bathroom staring at your reflection, inspecting yourself over before leaving for school. Noticing the distinctive colors of your eyes. Your (long/short) hair lining your body with a simple wave. At least you have no similar features to that of your brother.

"As good as it will ever be." You sighed as you walked out the door and went on your way to UA.


You walked through the doors of the Headmasters office, looking around at the Pro Heroes that were either with you or against you.

"Miss (Y/N). I will make this fast, you know what we are asking of you, so please make it your priority to not cause trouble."

"Yes, Headmaster ."  You turned to walk out of doors barely taking a step before the Headmaster called back "(Y/n), relax. We are here to protect you not harm you."

You smile warmly, hoping not to make it evident that the smile was fake. "Of course Headmaster ." You walked out of doors lingering in the hall leaving a small opening in the door as the room rumble with voices, shouts, and screams of "She's a Machiavellian!" "SHE WILL BE the downfall of the academy."

A single tear escaped your eye as you walked down the hall to class 1-A "Some heroes you guys are ."

You walk into the classroom and hastily look around observing your new classmates quickly taking a seat at your desk. You looked up from the floor to lock eyes with one of the happiest looking girls on the planet. A short-haired brunette ran over to you with a burst of enthusiasm.

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