Leon, The Sadistic Ruler: Story 4

Começar do início

Leon rolls his eyes. "Whatever you were doing it doesn't concern me."

"What do you want, Leon? I just saw you over an hour ago. What is so important?"

"You need to come with me now. I suggest you hurry up and get dressed."

I briskly walk pass Leon. "Sorry, no can do, as I said before, I'm a bit busy."

Leon follows close behind me. "Excuse me?"

I don't bother responding to Leon as I make my way to my kitchen. I turn off the oven and take out the meatballs, placing them on the island in front of Leon.

A sudden curious Leon stares at the pan of balled meat. "What's that?"

I give a weird look. "Uh...meatballs?"

Leon laughs, and my eyes widen at the sight of Leon laughing. Not like any of the ignorant and rude laughs he's revealed before.

I let out a short chuckle. "Oh what, a god such as yourself has never had a meatball."

Leon returns to his prideful expression. "Can't say I have, because gods don't require food."

"What?" I lean over the island in surprise.

"We gods only eat for fun, sometimes."

"Okay, fine." I grab a fork to stick it in one of the meatballs then dip it in the sauce. I hold it out for Leon.

"Are you serious?" He smiles devilishly.

I shrug, while still holding out the fork with the meatball. "Eat this for fun then."

"Pfftt...you're pretty confident."

I move the fork closer to Leon, my eyes locking to his.

For a moment Leon scrutinizes the meatball, as if it's something very unusual. He leans in and bites the meatball off the fork.

I'm taken aback by the sudden action and I can feel my cheeks slightly become warm. I step back, "So, how is it?" I ask.

Leon swallows, then looks at the rest of the pan of meatballs in surprise. "...not bad."

I cross my arms and look at Leon full of pride and confidence. "Really?"

He returns is usual smile. "I've never tasted anything like this before. It doesn't displease me."

I smile, and I slowly realize that I'm still standing in only a bath towel. "Oh my god!" I bolt to my room, slamming the door behind me.

From the other side of the door I hear Leon speak. "I suggest you hurry up, don't make me wait any longer than I already have. However, it would be entertaining to throw you out naked in front of others."

I scramble around finding articles of clothing to throw on. "I'm hurrying, I'm hurrying! Sheesh."

"Meet me at the mansion." He says, with the following of my front door closing shut.

I lastly throw my hoodie on and open my bedroom door with caution. "Couldn't have waited two more seconds?"

I stomp over to my front door and swing it open, walking into the mansion.

The fancy, rich interior of the mansion throws me off for a moment until my eyes lock with a intimidating glare from Leon.

"What? I'm here." I say.

Star-Crossed Myth: The Divine Fate (Book One)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora