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the next boy up for the special chapter is mr ong seongwoo! sorry if the spinoffs have slight angst lol oops. after this the last two chapters of stray are coming and the sequel will probably be out soon + ending this book gives me time to update my other  wanna one books 

escape cold snatched home 

i also have an apply fic i want to try but im really behind with my books so i have to put it off now :(.  

the order of the other spinoffs are jihoon,minhyun,jinyoung ! comment others + i might make a spinoff book but i honestly don't know tbh. 

i'm going to try to shoot finishing this before i have finals ! so major yike.  -rin



— seongwoo didn't believe such a simple girl could make him feel like this  —

it was weird, really weird. kang daniel brough a high schooler home! seongwoo found it quite comedic in the beginning.she was either going to only be around for a day and then be left in the dust. Or she would get her heartbroken miserably. 

he found haewon quite cute, she was interesting. the way she spoke was enlaced with sarcasm and she always had something to say.

she wasn't exactly someone who needed attention or wanted attention drawn to her yet it always was. sure she was the only female of the household but these boys held very busy and meticulous jobs. 

seongwoo didn't make much of the situation except teasing her or flirting with her here and there. it was obviously a joke, he was ong seongwoo easily flirtatious and always joking around. 

however, haewon was well different. the way she responded the way she reacted, maybe it was because she wasn't involved with the 101 and was simply just a regular girl that it was well different. 

truth be told seongwoo hadn't been in a relationship before the 101 and in the 101 none of his relationships were stable. seongwoo just covered it up for the sake of his ego and the 101's ego. because you know, men love their ego. 

to be honest, to seongwoo haewon was charming. sure she was quite pretty but her characteristics as a person was something he adored. 

he never admitted it to anyone, especially to the boys he kept the secret to himself. on missions haewon became a whole different person, i mean so was he but for her it was surprising. 

seongwoo acted often as her puppet and he was surprised and in awe at how clever the girl could get. 

it was almost as if seongwoo became haewon's fan. the two became close, haewon found seongwoo easy to approach and to talk to. 

seongwoo loved their talks, i guess when she talked to him it was therapeutic for her. it often played out like so, haewon would be on her desk doing her homework and seongwoo would lay on her bed as she just ranted on and on. 

sometimes seongwoo would stare at her back and look dreamily at her black hair, then she would turn around and he would point out something to get out of staring. 

haewon was sincere she was capable of legit affection, no catch. seongwoo had saw it twice the first he was in the little garden their house had. it was peaceful and beautiful. 

jisung had made the place but daniel and seongwoo soon took over. the two come there usually to clear their minds especially if the mission they just went on was pretty tough. 

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