❧ two

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juyeon and i had to stay back helping teachers. i don't really know why or how i got into this but now i'm on my way home alone because you know juyeon has a boyfriend and she has to go home late at night with him because she won't be safe. 

now you can't hear it but that had a lot of sarcasm. 

i'm normally okay with walking on my own, but it's late and it's hot and it's actually pretty scary. i held the straps of my backpack turning my music on louder. maybe if i scream loud enough my attackers won't want me. 

i was just about to take a turn when i see some people talking and then exchanging something between them, probably drugs. 

it was the hoody guy, it was the same hoody but people could have the same one. i gulped and looked forward and kept walking. i paused, and i hope i'm mistaken, i hope that what i heard was just the backtrack of the music i was listening to. 

i heard a gunshot, i exhaled and walked faster but made myself careful that i didn't look out of the ordinary. i got into my house and i have never seen myself lock the door so quickly. i didn't care to look out for my parents and quickly went to my room.

"bull" i said and juyeon gasped, "how did you know? you didn't even look at me you didn't even acknowledge my presence!" she said. 

i looked at her and placed my own cards down faced down. "your reactions say it all, you may not notice and your cheeks may not rise your lips may not quiver but your eyes have a glint that says oh she'll never guess" i said leaning forward. 

"wow, you sure are scary son haewon." she says 

"i also sorted and shuffled the deck, i know the cards you have." i smiled and she gasps "how is that possible?" i shrug, "i could never reveal my tricks." my lips curl into a small smirk as i watch her roll her eyes and turn around. 

"there is no fun if you always win haewon!" she says and i chuckle shuffling my cards back up. 

i walked by my normal route, it was hotter than i realized but i came to school broke so i couldn't buy myself a wonderful popsicle, or two. 

part of me wanted to see the hoody guy again, i don't know. it was the rare times i had something cool in my life like that, i'd finally have something to talk about to juyeon i'd finally get her to shut up. 

i put my bag down and shuffled through all my pockets hoping that buy some miracle i misplaced money outside my wallet. 

my hands found a bill and i cheered, my irresponsibility has come in handy! i zipped my bag up and slung it behind me and walked inside, i looked at the freezers and stood there again having trouble deciding. 

suddenly two people run in, one gets bandages and another gets napkins. "hyung! can i get a drink?" one asks, they're both wearing hoodies but they wear dress shoes and slacks?

"hurry" the other guy says and puts his stuff on the counter. he was wearing the exact black hoody he had the same feel, it was him. 

i froze in my spot, i wanted him to notice me but i didn't i watched as the younger guy put a drink on the table i quickly grabbed a popsicle and watched as the two get the stuff and turn to leave. 

i walk towards the counter and he turns his head around to look maybe if he left something? he looked right at me and we met eyes. i pretended that i didn't realize and continue and put my popsicle on the counter. 

did he recognize me? after paying i sat down on the bench outside. 

"who is he?" 

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