❧ twenty - nine

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alMoST 30 chapTers iS tHIS thE eND? one chapter we'll go through all the memories and play the nayana piano ver. jus so I can tear up.

also wAnNa oNe is gEtTing a rEst I aM hEre  fOr thAt . 


she got down from the car and followed the directions to the right apartment. the door was supposed to be unlocked, which is incredible sketchy for a bunch of kids her age. 

haewon walked into the completely dark apartment, "is this-"

"ah, son haewon." haewon shrieked and the person in the darkness shrieked back. 

"stop trying to be intimidating hyungseob, it never works."another voice responded. 

"it's 2017, I can be anything I want to be euiwoong. yOu aREn't sUpPOsed to stOp me!!" hyungseob responded. 

"lee euiwoong, and that's ahn hyungseob." euiwoong outstretched his hand to haewon. she bowed and shook his hand,"so-son haewon." she smiles. 

"this is Huang minghao, or Justin... he's our youngest!" haewon watched as a quite tall good looking guy walked up to her. he was beautiful, and pretty cute. 

"zhu zhengting, or Jung Jung." another guy walked up to her. she smiled and shook his hand. the last to meet her was choi seunghyuk. with this haewon concluded to herself that the 101 was a fraud and not a mafia but a club for overly good looking guys. 

"so what am I helping with?" she asks placing her bag down near the door. "we have a mission, normally we work usually on helping with hacking. we traced an attack back to a house and we want to go check it out." hyungseob smiled. 

"you what?" haewon asked. 

"but don't you guys not do the attacking part?" she repeats. euiwoong shoves hyungseob, "see! even she thinks it's stupid!" he says. 

"you just need to be our eyes and ears, you'll be with Justin." hyungseob says. 

"how old are you guys anyway?" haewon asked. 

"uh, daehwi.. I'm his age." euiwoong nodded. haewon shrieked and covered her mouth. "you're going out but Justin isn't?" she lifts a brow. 

"they think I'm too inexperienced." Justin rolls his eyes. 

"we don't want you doing something just because you think it's right." seunghyuk says. "did you guys tell uh jisung or someone about this?" haewon asks. 

"nope, we'll say it just you know happened." jungjung packed his gun into his waistband. "oh dear." haewon mumbled to herself and walked over to the computer. 

"file, file where is file?" she whispers. 

"here, okay address... nothing on anyone that could be there.. just other files of random people." she nodded. "quick skim quick skim." she said and went through them. 

"she's whispering to herself!!" Justin pointed. 

"let her be." euiwoong waved Justin off. 

"well we're leaving now." seunghyuk waved. 

"uh no, teach me how to work this!" haewon says. 

"how did you even get involved with the 101?" Justin asked as haewon adjusted the seat. 

"ew, a long story." haewon shakes her head. 

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