3.Appriciate him.

' he likes it when you appreciate him in front of others' Who are others here? the guards? and what do I appreciate him for? The only thing I know is he is into illegal stuff. what are his achievements?

I can already feel it sinking!

4. Look attractive.

Attractive? I look at myself in the mirror and flinch at the site . Blotchy face with patches of dried mascara on cheeks, chapped lips, green satin hijab out of place, long sleeved loose thigh length top with jegging. I look like a homeless drug addict!

ya you need to work on it. My subconscious smacks back with flinch.

5.your husband craves for sexual needs.

of course genius .. isn't it why I'm here in the first place reading your blog!

seduction it is then.

I scroll on all the facts and figures I need to collect for the act. and get into bathroom to scrub myself . I have seen some bathing products in the bathroom cabinet and scan through all the products and settle on Dior bathing oil and what not the kit contains. I scrub myself to no end and wash my hair with the hair products that I found in the kit.

I walk into the walk in closet to choose something pretty . but... they are all good! At last I chose blue and white striped Louis Vuitton maxi that seemed beautiful but don't come off as too much that you could wear at home. All I wore at home was baggy trousers and unisex shirts .

so much for being a girl.

I don't concentrate on my make up much maskara and lip balm to smoothen my lips . I remember Raftar playing with my hair. So. I just twist it loosely and wrap it with a blue shimmery head scarf.

Its evening and I haven't seen Raftar so I just get into kitchen to cook and when I say cook I cook food for him that is not blanch and actually cooked. Maria seems shocked at me that I am here cooking and baking and ordering every one around to do things.

"Maria" I call out .

"Oui m'dame" she says as she struts her way towards me with the what-the-hell-does-she-wants-from-me-look.

"last time when I prepared food, I don't find a single dish I prepared on the table " I ask with a composed face. she raises her eyebrow in shock .

"umm bien, I don't take them to the table parce que bien .. that is not the kind of food sir likes. " She completes her sentence with difficulty , her speech encased with accent.

" well, today I want the food I prepared to be on the table." se stares at me like I grew two heads.

" non, non, sir will get angry he eats Russian salad today" duh- I know but its low fat food.

" relax maria , its low calorie food, its Veal Piccata,Tomato-Basil Lasagna with Prosciutto,Instant Tiramisu . If something happens I take the charge okay?"

"okay" she nods her head and struts away so she couldn't really get crazy into my ideas.

I walk out to see that its 8 and I still don't find him anywhere. well then I wait.

I wait ad wait and wait till its quarter to ten when finally he makes his presence known. He looks so dominating and hot it that suit of his! not a hair out of place with that broody look his strides confident as he walks towards the dinning room but doesn't notice me as he is busy on call.

I snap out of my lala land and walk into the dinning room when he looks up at me. He doesn't look down at the clothes or anything just looks into my eyes and his stiff posture relaxes but just then he seems to put his guard up and eyes cold.

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