Wattpad - Day 30

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Today I am grateful for Wattpad.  I saved this one for the last and it is not so much Wattpad I am grateful for, it is the vehicle used to bring you all to me.  I am grateful for all of the friends I have made here.  I know I spoke about the Poets Pub earlier but I want to speak about you all directly.

Here I sit looking at computer screen, using it to speak to people I have never met and live all over the world.  How amazing is that!?!  I thought about trying to list all of the names of the wonderful friends I have made here but I know I would forget someone and I would feel so bad.  So, I am just going to say this to all of you, thank you for being you, thank you for your kindness, your generosity, your talent and most of all thank you for being my friend.  I am and will be eternally grateful for each of you.

I don't want this to sound sappy or all "touchy-feely", LOL, I just want to acknowledge the fact that you all have become an important part of my life and I am sincerely grateful that you have.  I enjoy our conversations, I enjoy encouraging one another, I enjoy reading the works of so many talented authors, it is another one of my dreams come true. 

The world of the internet can be a vicious place at times and people can be vile and cruel but here, by the grace of God, I have not experienced any of that.  Here I have found intelligent, thoughtful, accepting, loving people, who look at the world with an open mind and heart.  I have met Christians, Muslims, scientists, teachers, mothers, fathers, Agnostics, grandmothers, grandfathers, Jews, dentists, policemen, students, and everyone of them have welcomed me with open arms.  Here I have met humans, humans who love words as much as I do and I am so grateful for the shared experiences we have had in this electronic world of Wattpad.  I carry you all in my heart and I hold you up in my prayers. 

Today I am grateful for my friends!

A/N - This brings us to the end of November 2017, but I have really enjoyed doing this little book, so I may continue to add to it when inspiration strikes me.  Thank you all for reading and your lovely comments, I am truly blessed and grateful.

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