My Brothers - Day 9

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Today I am grateful for my brothers.  I have two younger brothers and they are great men.  Growing up we were typical kids, fighting one day and best friends the next.  My mom had always wished she had one more child because with three there is always an odd man out, but I think it made us learn to work together in the end. 

Both of my brothers have grown into strong, faithful, hard working men.  Who have wonderful families of their own.  When we moved to this town, from our home town, we all moved as a family, we moved 4 households in a matter of a few months, it was crazy.  We moved to this town to start our own business, my brothers and I.  In the end the business didn't work out but it was an experience I will treasure all my life.  Working side by side with both of them was very rewarding.

Our middle brother is the hard headed one.  He loves to argue for the sake of arguing.  He loves watching movies and then having long intellectual conversations about them afterwards.  He as an amazing gift for making miniature buildings.  He has crafted a whole village, and made me the most beautiful adobe dollhouse. 

Our youngest brother is so much like me.  We love many of the same things, books, video games, conversation, science, fantasy and of course Dungeons and Dragons.  Many times on Saturday when we have family dinner he reads out loud to us.  He has read us all of the Lord of the Rings and Hobbit, the Odd Thomas series, and many others.  We often stay up until 4:00 in the morning reading or just taking about everything under the sun.

My brothers and I have not always seen eye to eye but I know no matter what that if I needed either one or both of them, they would be at my side no questions asked; as I would be for them.  They have blessed my life in so many ways and I can't imagine my life without them.

Today I am grateful for my brothers.

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