My Second Born - Day 3

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I am grateful for my second born son.  He came to us a month early.  I had been ordered by my doctor to bed rest and a month before he was due they decided to induce labor because they were worried my kidneys would fail.  He is the last child of my womb and he is my bright and shining sun!  I have always seen my first son as my night child, born in the dead of the night at a dark time in my life, but my second born is my day star, my sun; he has always made sure I have a smile on my face.  He is the one that can read me better than any other human.  If I am worried or upset about something he can always tell and will pester me until I tell him.

He was a stubborn child and hardheaded.  If he was quite he was getting into something he shouldn't, lol.  He is very artistic and creative and can make anything out of Legos.  He would spend hours building giant LEGO cities, complete with fleets of vehicles and spaceships.

He turned 20 this year and he is one of the wisest people I have ever known.  He says the most profound things and I am in awe of his intellect.  He doesn't like me to say it but in my eyes he has always gotten the short end of the stick.  His dad and him never seemed to click and when his dad left, there was no looking back he just left that 8 year old boy and hasn't seen him since.  I breaks my heart but my son has never held it against his father.  He knows it was wrong of him to leave and he doesn't want to see him, but he doesn't hate him.   My dad died when he was 6 so he has never had a strong male figure in his life other than my brothers and his own brother, my boys are nine years apart.

He is tall too and so handsome, I know, I know mom's always say that about their kids but it is true both my boys are so good looking.  He has a kind and loving heart and is studying to become a gunsmith, I couldn't be more proud.  

Most of you know by now that my children are my life.  I am a very strong willed woman and if both of my boys decided to move away tomorrow, I know I would survive, but it is more likely that I would pack my bags and follow them wherever they go.  I only have one lifetime to spend with them here on earth and I don't want to miss a minute of it.

Today I am grateful for my second born son.

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