My Grandson - Day 5

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Today I am grateful for my grandson. What a little rascal this boy is! I could say all the things a grandmother is suppose to say about her only grandson, he is handsome, smart, caring, athletic, you know the drill. Of course he is all of those things, but he is so much more. He will be 8 years old in just a few days and his sister is 3, she will be 4 in December. As most of you know I homeschool both of them and they are almost doing the same work. He is just slightly behind where other kids of his age would be and his sister is quite a bit ahead of where she should be. My point in saying this is he is so proud of his sister and how well she does in school. Even though he struggles with his school work, he cheers her on and encourages her to do her best. He never gets jealous of how easy school work is for her. He protects her, helps her and shares with her, and it is beautiful.

He has a heart that is so full of love for his family. He is always willing to help around the house, any chore is never too big for him to try and do. He worships his daddy and wants to be just like him when he grows up. He is always first to offer to help his mother and he never forgets to pick wildflowers for me when he walks over for school each day.

Of course he does all the boy things, teases his sister, talks nonstop, eats us out of house and home, and can never remember to put his dirty clothes into the hamper. He is a master with LEGOS and is an amazing artist, he will be doing the illustrations for my next book. (The drawing above is his drawing of Bender from Futurama.) His imagination is absolutely one of his best qualities, he can come up with the best stories ever, and they always include a dinosaur, dragon and usually a ninja or two.

This Dow could not be more proud of her amazing grandson and I could myself extremely blessed to be able to not only have him in my life everyday but to be his teacher and best friend. He gives me infinite joy and unconditional love, what more could I ask for.

Today I am grateful for my grandson!

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