Books - Day 29

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Today I am grateful for books.  Words have power, God spoke the world into existence.  Jesus is the Word and His words are recorded in a book, the Bible.  I do not have the power to speak worlds into existence, no human does but that doesn't mean our words are without power.  However, spoken words not recorded are lost to the universe.  I spoke earlier about how grateful I am for technology, but technology can go away tomorrow, the written word is sold...tangible.

If you can read, you can learn and all you need is a book.  Books hold the whole of human history within them.  They record our triumphs and our failures.  Books hold the wisdom of past generations and can be use as a guiding light in dark times.  Books bring us joy untold, books are the hearts and souls of human beings contained in ink and paper.  Of course there are books and writings that have been used for nefarious reasons, that comes with the fact that humans are flawed beings and evil as well as good, will be recorded.

For me personally, books are beautiful creations, works of art.  There is nothing like finding an old book at the back of a used book store.  It's pages yellowed and worn, with the fingerprints of its previous owners, littered throughout.  It smells like dust and history and when you open it the spine creeks with age.  Maybe it has the signature of someone who once cherished it, showing you it has known love.  I like finding books that have been written in, notes of the thoughts and ideas created by the words of the book; it gives the book it's own personality, makes it the only one of it's kind.

Books are to be cherished and hoarded.  Books are beautiful, even when dressed in dust, they are like old friends waiting for you to come visit.  They never complain just wait silently for you to come in and sit a spell, dust them off and remind them they are loved.  Books are treasures that never lose their value.

Today I am grateful for books.

A/N - The two photos above are pictures of a family heirloom Bible handed down to me from my father's family,  it was printed in Edinburgh in 1857, a hundred and sixty years ago.

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