A Month of Gratitude - Day 1

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This month in America we will celebrate Thanksgiving

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This month in America we will celebrate Thanksgiving. It is a day set aside to be thankful for all the blessings in our lives. I would like to take this month to do a bit more than just one day, I want to post each day something that I am grateful for.

Sometimes our lives get so hectic, with the day to day stresses, that we forget to be thankful for all of the blessings we do have. We live in a world that is filled with strife on a global scale as well as in our own backyards and it can distract us from the wonderful people and blessings we do have in our lives. I want to take the time to tell the people who mean the most to me just how grateful I am to have them in my life. I want to take the time to acknowledge the blessings that make my life just a little bit easier on a daily basis.


The first thing I am grateful for is my Savior. I accepted Christ when I was 16 years old. My road to finding out what that meant has been a very rocky one, but I have never turned away from that faith and the knowledge that He died to wash me of my sins.

My faith in Christ is personal, between Him and I only. I believe He has commanded me to love ALL humans no matter what they do or do not believe. I believe He wants me to see everyone as human first and know that every life is precious.

I believe that He gives me strength when mine gives way, He lights my path when I find myself in the dark, He loves me no matter what I have done, said or thought. I believe that when I die He will be waiting for me, with open arms and I will spend eternity with Him.

Many see God as a Father, a Savior, a Healer, the Holy Ghost, I see him as all those things too but most of all I see Him as the Great I Am. It is a profound statement, of existence, and to someone like myself who has spent much of their life feeling like I was not seen, it gives me comfort.

Day one - I am grateful for my savior, the GREAT I AM!

A/N - If anyone would like to join me in this month of gratitude, please feel free to do so. Tag me in your book and I will be sure to drop by and read your thoughts.

Thank you for your gift of time.

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