Technology - Day 25

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Today I am grateful for technology.  Like many things in life technology is a double edged sword.  Technology can be used for nefarious reasons, but I am grateful for all the good that technology brings us.  I am particularly grateful for the ability to meet and make new friends from around the world.  I am grateful that I was able to publish my own book.  I am grateful to have a world of knowledge at my fingertips.  I am grateful for ever evolving technology.

Here is just one of the many things that technology has afforded us.  I have for a long time been following a group on Facebook, Raising Men Lawn Care.  This group was started by one man here in the US and has grown exponentially because of technology.  He started out mowing a lawn for an elderly person, who couldn't do it for themselves.  From that humble beginning he has created a non-profit group that recruits kids to help the elderly, veterans, and those less fortunate by helping them mow their lawns and clean up their yards.  They do all of this free of charge to the people they help.  He also helps the homeless in his area, by bringing them tents, blankets, food and clothing.  Because of the internet the word has gotten out about what he is doing and more and more people are helping him with his mission.  He has a wishlist on Amazon where people can buy the things he needs to give to the homeless.  He was recently honored by Queen Elizabeth for his outstanding community service work.  If it were not for technology and the ability to get the word out about his mission, he would not be able to help the number of people he does.  I know that I would not have known about him if it were not for Facebook.

There are hundreds and hundreds of stories like this going on all around us, if we take the time to look for them.  They are not reported on in the mainstream press so we need to seek out other ways to find these stories and how can we do that, with technology.

Today I am grateful for technology.

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