Little Moments - Day 14

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Today I am grateful for the little moments.  There are those little moments in life that stick with you forever and make the struggle of life worthwhile.  All of us have them, they are the moments that take our breath away, a sunrise, the birth of a child, a special evening with family, the moments that brand themselves into our brains and remind us that we are human and fragile.

There is a particular moment that stands out to me.  It happened about 4 years ago or so.  I was standing in the kitchen fixing dinner for my family and my youngest son, who was about 18 at the time came in to tell me something.  I don't remember what he said, we laughed though.  I hugged him and just at that moment my oldest son, who is a very tall and large man, walked in and put both of his arms around us; a group hug you could say.  However for me, in that moment time stood still and I will remember it forever.  The three of us have a very close connection, I suppose you could say it is a spiritual connection. You all know how much I love my family and particularly my children.  This moment was like a gift from God.  I even wrote a poem about it, I will put it down below.

Well, that is just one moment that I cherish, there are many more little moments that fill my heart with joy and help to keep me going when times are tough.  I am so grateful for those moments and as I get older I look for them more and more.  Even though my life is hectic and I seem to be always on the go, I find myself looking harder for those moments.  I watch everything the grandbabies do, so that I catch that perfect smile, that whispered "I love you Dow", the moments when my daughter-in-law walks by and hugs me out of the blue.  I look for the sunsets that defy imagination, for the flocks of quail that forage out my back window and the flocks of cranes as they fly south this time of year.  If we take the time we can find those moments that take our breath away and leave their mark on our hearts.

Today I am grateful for the little moments.

~Only a Moment in Time~

Father Time, he stayed his step,
Heaven's joy could not compare.
The universe lowered its watching eye,
In the shadow of a moment, precious and rare.

For a mother's love is never quenched,
Nor washed away in a storm.
From sapling sprouts to mighty oaks,
I quickly watched them transform.

What started out as I became us,
Two branches from a single tree.
Six arms and three hearts,
The Baby, the Man, and Me.

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