Dreams Come True - Day 28

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Today I am grateful for dreams coming true.  How many people truly go after their dreams, chase after them, fight for them, make them happen?  I was turning 16 years old and I bought myself a beautiful book with a silk binding; an empty book that I wanted to fill with my thoughts and dreams. I remember writing the first paragraph, I had decided to write a book and I was going to call it "Just An Ordinary Girl".  That's what I wanted to be was an ordinary girl; what my sixteen year old self didn't understand was that I was already an ordinary girl.  I wrote in that book almost everyday for about 4 years. It became like a special friend who I could tell everything too.  Even to this day, once a year or so I get it out and write and entry, just so it knows I haven't forgotten that girl and her dream to be a writer. 

By the time I was 18 or so I had a whole book of "love" poems that I wanted to publish.  It was going to be called "All For the Love of a Cowboy".  (Don't laugh...LOL). I even asked my brother to do drawings for each of the poems and he did.  (He is a great artist.). I still have all of the poems and drawings somewhere in a file cabinet; they were the beginning of my dream...my dream to be a published author.  In the back of my mind I never thought I was good enough and in truth for the "mainstream" publishing world I'm still not good enough, that is okay with me. 

Fast forward to three years ago when I decided I wanted to make that dream come true.  I had been taking classes to get my Bachelor's Degree in English, with a minor in creative writing and I was taking a poetry class.  That was all it took to bring that dream out of the cobwebs and let it bloom again.  I started writing and writing and then by the grace of God I found Wattpad a year and a half ago.  Wow what an amazing trip this has been.  So many amazing people have become my dear friends, I have read poems that I think should be considered classics and I have written over 1000 poems.  I went after my dream, I chased it, fought for it and made it happen.  I don't say this to brag, I say this in the hopes that other people will see that it is possible, if you want something bad enough you will find a way to make it happen.  Don't wait, do it with what you have, seek out help, don't let anyone tell you that you can't and for heaven's sake make your dreams come true. Everyday you work at it brings you one day closer to a new reality.

Today I am grateful for dreams coming true.

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