Leftovers - Day 24

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Today I am grateful for leftovers.  Today is a day of rest for our family.  We do not do any "Black Friday" shopping.  We spend the day in a "food coma" and eat leftovers.  How blessed I feel to even have leftovers!! So many in this world go hungry everyday, I do not ever want to forget or take for granted the fact that I am blessed enough to have leftovers.

My family, like so many others have had our hard times, very hard times.  We have at times had very little in the house to eat, but we always had something, even if it was just beans, we never went hungry.  I cannot even imagine what it would be like to have a hungry child and not be able to feed them.  I hope and pray that I never ever have to face something like that.  I never want to forget how blessed I am to be able to go to the refrigerator and have a choice of foods to eat.  I want to make sure that I always do what I can to help those who do not have what I have.  I want to make sure that my grandchildren understand that there are those who, for many different reasons, do not have what we do and it is our responsibility as Christians to help those around us that are in need.  I want them to know that food is not to be taken for granted, it is not to be wasted, it is to be treated as a blessing and shared when possible.

In all reality "leftovers" are a luxury and one that I am blessed to have.  I pray that one day every person will also be afforded the same luxury.  I pray that there will one day be no hungry in our world.

Today I am grateful for leftovers.

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