My Granddaughter - Day 6

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Today I am grateful for my granddaughter. I am sure all of you that know me saw this one coming, LOL. My darling, precious little pixie princess. I don't know how I made it this far in life without her. Raising two boys and then having a grandson, I had only really dealt with boys and they are so much fun. So, when my son and daughter-in-law said they were expecting I was hoping for another boy. I have always been a bit of a tomboy and I like boy things, hunting, video games, etc. I had no idea how I would deal with a girl. But here she is and OH MY GOSH she is soooooo fun!! It is the best of both worlds. She is a girly girl in that she likes pink and purple and princesses and flowers, but while she is wearing her little pink tutu she is doing her ninja moves!! She is as tough as any little boy and she is smart as a whip!

My son and daughter-in-law lived with me when she was born so I have been able to help raise her since day one! As a matter of fact the other day in school we were talking about what they should do if they ever get lost and I told the kids they need to find someone and tell them who their parents are and I asked her to tell me her parents full names, she gave me her dad's name and her mom's name and then she told me my full name. I told her that I was her grandmother and she said no you are one of my parents, hehehehe, I just melted.

She loves her big brother and plays with him so well. In school when he is having trouble she always tries to help him and encourages him. She does not like to draw and really doesn't like to color, but ask her to tell you a story and she will tell you all about ninjas and how they catch the bad guys. She loves to pretend to cook and makes the most wonderful pretend meals and tea parties. When I started my weight loss journey she wanted to help me and now she always shares her dessert with me so that I can have a few bites and not eat too much.

Every grandparent believes their grandchildren are the best, and rightly so. I am no different, my grandchildren are the lights of my life and they give me purpose. I think I am luckier than many, in that I am afforded the chance to be able not not only live right next door to my babies but I get to homeschool them as well. My cup does truly runneth over!!

Today I am grateful for my granddaughter!

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