Clean Kitchen - Day 20

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Today I am grateful for a clean kitchen. This may sound a bit funny but the feeling of having a clean kitchen is really indescribable. I think it has to do with the nurturing instinct. I spent the day getting the kitchen all cleaned up so I can do all of the Thanksgiving cooking and baking on Wednesday and it felt so good.

After I got divorced I had a hard time getting myself back together. The house went down hill, I had no incentive or initiative to keep it clean. I kept the basics done but that was about it. Before I knew it the house was so cluttered, I didn't know where to start to get it back to normal, it was all so overwhelming. Then I found this lady on Facebook, she goes by the name of The FLY Lady, FLY standing for Finally Loving Yourself and she has a whole system to get your house back in order. Her first step is to shine your sink. She says even if you have to put all the dishes on the floor, get everything out of the way and just scrub your sink until it shines. I tried it and boy did it work. Then she has many more baby steps to getting your house de-cluttered I followed her steps and it took awhile but I got it done. I have been flying now for many years and it always hinges on making sure you have a clean kitchen.

Like I said, I think it has to do with the nurturing nature of a woman. The kitchen is often the hub of the house, so much goes on there and when it is clean it makes such a difference. When you get up in the morning and have a clean kitchen, you feel more like making breakfast and when you go to bed at night with a clean kitchen you feel accomplished. The kitchen is where you feed your family, where you laugh and talk over a good meal. It is where you connect with the people you love.

So, today I am grateful for a clean kitchen.

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