"Can you tell us somethings that have been said to, or about you?" Jen asked.

"Well, I have been called a slut. I have been called a scumbag, fake, ugly, fat, gold digger, all sorts of stuff like that." I explained.

"What have the boys said when fans talk about you?" I was asked.

"They have all tweeted about it, they try and get them to stop. No matter what they say or do there are always going to be haters." I said truthfully.

"While we're on this topic. I have seen a few pictures of you with cuts on your arms. Is it true you self harm because of the hate?" Jennifer asked me. Oh great, now we are going to begin the really personal shit.

"I used to. I try not to anymore. Thanks to Ashton.." I said

"How did he get you to stop?" I smiled at the memory of when Ashton saw me cutting myself the last time I did it two weeks ago.

"He told me, if  wanted to cut myself, I would have to take his arm, look him dead in the eyes and cut him as many times as I would myself." I explained.

"What was your response to that?"

"I said, I couldn't ever hurt you like that. That;s when I understood everything. He told me to do that because,  by me hurting myself, it was as if I was doing it to him. He hates seeing me hurt, He told me when I hurt, he hurts too." I explained to her. I smiled out at Ashton in the crowd.

"Ashton is a sweet guy, but lets switch to Luke for a second. You just recently found out he was your twin brother. Did he know before you did?" 

"No, we found out the same time. I was adopted, I knew that since I was young but I didn't want to meet my real family until I was eighteen. I wanted to make sure I was mature and ready enough to see them for the firt time. Little did I know I saw them almost everyday" I said.

"Are you mad at your biological mother and father for keeping Luke and not you?"

"Not really. I mean taking care of one baby is hard. Two at a time has to be a nightmare."

"Can we call your on up on stage for a moment? I want everyone to see him."

"Of course, Ash, can you bring him up here please?" Ashton nodded and started walking towards the stage with my little Lucas. He was in a Batman onsie. Calum boght it for him after we made up. He told me it was like his peace offering.

"So this is Lucas. Named after your brother correct" 

"Yes. I named him after his Uncle Luke, and his Uncle Michael."

"So why aren't Ashton and Calum's names in there somewhere?"

"Well, Lucas's last name was originally Hood because Calum was his father figure. He took me in after Ashton cheated on me. Once Ashton and I met in person after a whole entire year, and I told him he was his son we switched his last name to Irwin. So they were all in there at some point." That sounds really confussing.

"Oh I see."

"Wuke" Lucas said. That was the first tim he ever spoke! And of course he didn't say mummy first. He said Luke, well it was supposed to be Luke anyway.

"Did he just...?" Ashto asked me. I smiled and nodded.

"Lucas just said his firt word everybody!" Jennifer exclaimed.

"What was it he said?" someone in the audience yelled.

"He said Luke!" I yelled and I saw Luke stand up and look at us. I nodded at him and he walked up here and bent down infront of the baby in my lap.

"Wuke!" Lucas said again.

Luke smiled and I think I saw a tear fall from Luke's eye. I knew I saw one from Ash earlier, and there was one on my face as well. Happy tears. My baby boy just said his first word, and of course it had to be on live TV so everyone can see our reactions.

"Cayum." Lucas all of a sudden said.

"He just said Calum now to! What the hell?" I said. Mikey and Cal came up on stage. This som how turned into a 5SOS and me interview but I don't really care at all.

"Mikey" Lucas said.

"Mummy, Daddy." When did this child learn how to talk!?

'Well there you have it folks. Allie Hemmings. She may just be your typical teenage mom, but she deffinately has a good heart. I hope we get to see her again in a few years after her career really blows up. At least I can say I am the firat American interview in the young popstars life. I also got to speak to 5 Seconds of Summer, and Lucas Irwin, the child of Allie and Ashton. This concludes our interview here on Good Morning L.A. Please stay tuned for your weather reports from Scotty Freeman."

All of the boys and I ran backstage and we were all waiting for Lucas to talk again. He didn't. But that doesn't bother me any.

"Allie babe. Our son can talk!" Ashton yelled with joy.

"I know Ash, and he said his Uncles name first. Luke you should be really proud of the little guy." I said with a smile.

"Oh trust me sis, I am."

A/n - There has been so much drama in thi story lately I had to put in some cute family moments in there! How cute is it that Lucas said his uncle Luke's name firt? Then Uncle Cal, and Uncle Mikey before he said mummy aand daddy? Haha oh the joys of having children.

I have a nephew who is 5 1/2 months and he is the cutest thing!!

I also have another niece/nephew on the way! IO hope it's a neice I wanna by stuff for a baby girl for once!! Haha

he said my name first so, haha, he loves me more then his mummy. He still can't say mum or mummy. Just daddy and Allie. It's cute! <3

~Allie xx

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