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Armaan 's POV

"I told you Mallik i will come back. See I am here.  To ruin you." RK  smirked.

"You know you're a fool right?" I smiled and he glared at me. The twitching curl on my lips was irritating him. And I will have to deal with him.

"You were a fool 5 years  back and you still are. I wish you wouldn't have took my love away from me." I stated.

"What are you going to do about it Armaan Mallik? Will you call the cops?"he smirked.  I shook my head. He is actually a fool,"don't you think I already must have call the cops?"

"But will they able to catch me?" He gave me a daring look. He walked to the other room asking for a minute and walked in the room as if we are here for some civil conversation.

I walked to few rooms trying to search Riddhima. But both the other rooms were empty. No other doors or anything that can help me to see if she is anywhere here. The place is a warehouse empty from God knows how long.

"She is here armaan Mallik."

I rushed out  hearing his voice and there she was. My love, sitting on the chair tied up wrapped in a torn dirty blanket. Her head hung down and her face looking pale and her sidehead with the stains of blood. My eyes welled up and the anger took over me. I took a few steps and punched him on his nose. He fell down but laughed off getting up.

"You still have the anger issue Mallik." He wipe blood from his nose,"let me help you calm down."

He went and pulled the blanket from her. My eyes widen and my heart stopped beating before it again raced faster than the normal.

A bomb is tied on her stomach. I walked up to her,"Riddhima.. get up. Baby wake up" I shook her patting her cheeks.

I tried removing the bomb but stopped as someone spoke,"Don't you dare armaan Mallik. I hope you know it with blast if you pull it out. "

Siddhant Modi stood next to me with a smirk and i can do nothing to save my love.

"If you want to see her alive you better sign this papers Armaan" RK  demands as he pulled out few papers throwing at me. I read the title which says, 'power of attorney '

"After you sign this, all your property will be mine. The Mallik mansion, all your shares in M&J's  and everything belongs to you will be mine. And in return, your beautiful wife will be free to live." He said as i read the papers.

"Make it fast Armaan if you want to see her alive." Siddhant  barked.

I am shocked to even think anything else. My Riddhima is in front of me lifeless and here i have to give all my hardwork to these rascals. I take the pen from him and sign the papers without blinking.

Nothing is more important than my love. Nothing can make me and my Riddhima apart. I will fight the whole world to get her back.  Even if i have to fight the God.

RK took the papers from me and smirked,"i see you love her alot huh? Gave all your penny for this one girl."

"I wish you knew the meaning of love RK.  I wish you would have fallen in love and then maybe you would have known what a single person you love makes you feel and makes you do.." i stare at him to see if he still has any good left in him but his hard luck he was so deep in bad that he forgot what a man he's turning into. It is said that how evil you are, something is good in you but with RK and siddhant, they lost it all.

"What do you know about love Armaan Mallik.  You stole the girl someone else use to love. Your sister played with my feelings and ruined everything.  I was planning to give her all the happiness in the world but she betrayed me. Gave me wrong signals and then left me in middle. You without thinking anything ruined my life and send me to jail. For bloody five years. And you want me to believe in love. I am so fucked up Armaan Mallik that now i will fuck your life up and make you beg in front of me"

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