He'll Keep You Safe

Start from the beginning

Everyone agreed. We made our way over to the slide, Niall was still holding my hand. We showed the guy our wristbands and grabbed one of those potatoe sack things. When we reached the top, Zayn, Liam, Harry, Niall and I layed the potatoe sack down in our lanes.

"Hey guys, wanna race?" I asked. They nodded eagerly. "Erika, count for us!"

"Okay, get on the thingy first!" Erika pointed to the potatoe sack. We hopped on and she counted down, "Three, two, ONE!!!!"

I pushed myself using the handle bars on the sides. I caught some air when I went down the first dip. Niall and Liam were ahead of me, almost to the bottom. Nooooooooooooo.....

Liam got to the bottom first, "HA, I WIIIIIIIIIIIIIN!!!!" He fist pumped as Zayn and Harry slid down. I was the last one. Greaaat. The boys started laughing and teasing. I rolled my eyes, but started laughing along too.

Once everyone was down, we walked around the fairgrounds aimlessly. We stopped by the food area.

"I'm hungry." Erika announced

"Me too!" Niall and I said in unison. We looked at each other and bursted into laughing fits.

"Well I'm not." Kody said. Liam, Zayn, and Josh agreed with him.

"Alright, go ride some rides while we eat." Erika compromised. Kody gave Erika a huge hug and ran in the opposite direction. Liam, Zayn and Josh slowly followed behind.

"DON'T DO ANYTHING STUPID." Erika yelled after him. Kody was about twenty feet away. He didnt stop running, he just threw a thumbs up in the air. That left Erika, Louis, Harry, Niall and me.

"So what are we going to get?" I asked jumping up and down slightly. I looked at all the food venues and spotted one that was selling turkey legs. My eyes got huge, "That looks so good!" I ran over to the huge cart. The others ran after me, looking at the menu above the workers head.

"One turkey leg, please." I smiled at the worker. He looked about he was in his mid 30's. I bet it sucks to work here.

"Six dollars. And it'll be about a five minute wait." He grumbled. Yep, it sucks. I nodded and handed the man the money. I stepped to the side letting my friends order. After the turkey legs were done, we walked around trying to find a empty table.

"OH MY GOD, YOU'RE HARRY STYLES, LOUIS TOMLINSON, AND NIALL HORAN. OH MY GOOOOOD. CAN I GET A PICTURE WITH YOU!?" A little girl about 12 years old ran up to us jumping up and down.

"Of course." Louis smiled. The girl shrieked a little. She turned my way to hand me her camera, but her mouth fell through the floor, "OH MY SWEET BABY JESUS. YOU'RE KATHERINE CARTER!!!! I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!"

I chuckled, "And why is that?"

Her eyebrows furrowed together, "Aren't you and Niall dating? It's all over the magazines!" Okay, why havent I seen these magazines before!?

I pushed some of my hair behind my ear, "Oh, no we-"

"-Were trying to keep it a secret." Niall interuppted me by putting his arm around my shoulder. My eyes shot over to his and gave him my best 'What the hell' face. Me? And Niall? HA, he only likes me as a friend. But then why would he-

"OKAAAY, Here let me take your picture!" Erika said grabbing the camera out of the girl's hand. The girl stood in the middle with Harry and Niall on either side of her. Niall pulled me next to him and Louis stood next to Harry. When Erika went to hand back the camera, the girl asked if she could get one with just me and Erika.

Erika's face lit up, "Sure!" She shoved the camera to Louis. We stood next to the girl and smiled. Louis took a couple before handing it back, "Here you are, love."

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