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Nope. Not today

Emily's P O V

"Wake up! Wake up you sleepy head!" I flew up hissing as my ears rang. "What the hell is wrong with you Eli!" I yelled as I flew up. "It's time for you to go to work" Elijah said. "Are you serious? How did you even get in here?" I asked.

"Please Em I'm your brother" he said. "Do you have to remind me?" I asked. "Hey" he said lightly punching me. "Fine" I said looking into his dark grey eyes. "And your making breakfast" he said. "What!" I yelled and he quickly walked out.

I rolled my eyes and got out of bed. I hate going to the stupid Marine park sometimes. I made my bed and took a quick shower. I came out in my sky blue work shirt and my black high-waist pants. I dragged on a pair of black sneakers and applied some clear lipstick onto my lips.

I brushed my hair up and caught it in one. I grabbed my phone and my purse and went downstairs. I saw my brother sitting around the table with a smirk on his face. "So your going to wait for me?" I asked and he only nodded. "Okay bro" I said.

I went to the cupboard and grabbed and cereal box and went to the refrigerator and took out a box of milk. "Cereal?" He asked. "Yes I don't want to be late...I'll carry dinner" I said. "Agreed...anyway you took it you would have to be the one to carry it" he said.

"Your the older one your the one who is supposed to be doing these things" I said. "Are you paying the bills?" He asked. "It's your house" I said. "Okay your going to be paying rent as of now" he said. "Go s*ck a d*ck" I said to him. "That's your thing" he said and I scowled at him.

I sat down and ate as I continuously watch the time. I didn't want to be late for my boss was a strict one. I finished the rest and threw the plates in the sink. "You should think about hiring a maid" I said. "If your the one who will pay her then sure" he said coming out only in a pants.

"I'm leaving now...go get dressed and don't be late" I said. "Your not my boss" he said. I grabbed my car keys and walked up to him. He smiled and lowered his head down to my height. "I prefer you tip" he said.

"If I have to then I won't kiss you goodbye" I said. I held his head and kissed his cheek. "The other one too" he said and I sighed and kissed the other one. He held my face and kissed my cheek also sticking his tongue in my dimple.

"You have a bad habit" I said. "What it feels good" he said. I hugged him and went outside closing the door behind me. I walked to my car and pressed the button to open it and then I hopped in.

I placed my purse and phone on the other seat and buckled my seat belt. My car is a white blue bird and I love it. I switched the car on and turned the radio on. There was a random song playing. I back out of the driveway way and sped to work.


"Good morning Jeffrey" I said to my boss as I walked to my department. I was in charge of feeding all the animals. Even the ones I fear. "Good morning you don't have much feeding to do but Monica is sick so I would like you to clean the water and inside the cooler" he said. "You got it boss" I said.

"Thank you" he said patting my shoulder as he went to talk with the visitors. "Emily Kiss" I heard someone say behind me so I turned around and saw my best friend. "Angela!" I yelled and ran into her arms.

"Oh I've missed you" she said. "Yeah me too" I said. "When did you move here?" I asked. "I arrived yesterday" she said. "I thought I would never see you again" she said. "Well you know we had to get out of there" I said. "Your dad is a phyco" she said.


There was screaming and all the wine bottles fell to the ground. Dad had Elijah all bloody as he trashed him around. "You god damn demon! You caused my wife to leave you and the b*tch of a sister you have!" He yelled in Elijah's ear as he hissed.

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